listen to the deep txt on Scorpions - Send Me A Angel -  on YOUTUBE and remark  the text says  " the land of the morning star" - thats VENUS!
"The Being with Wings of Light" 

(i.m; their strong auric fields is partly visible)

"...since my youth, I no longer believed that visions could be something real; I had always considered them to be the product of stimulated fantasy. But now I thought about the fact that the young person had appeared to me while I was in a quiet and relaxed state of mind, without any cause for excitement..."
extracts from the book "ANGELS IN STARSHIPS"  of GIORGIO DIBITONTO   translated from italian, also to German

translated from 

German by 

Bill Sherwood



Wendelle C.Stevens (engl.publ.) about this book and  on (higher) life on Venus:

"On the 10th of May 1990 I gave a UFO lecture in Rochester, New York, which was sponsored by Bill and Rhoda Sherwood. That was also the first day of an extended three week European tour to renew old acquaintences and to pick up new information in exchanges of data from UFO investigations. That round trip turned out to be a most profitable one indeed in terms of new and astounding information.

Before leaving Rochester, Bill Sherwood gave me a small book which he had translated from German some years before. It was originally written in Italy in Italian. The title was "ANGELS IN STARSHIPS". He had printed up a few copies of his translation some years ago, but it did not get much outside distribution.

The reason for giving me the book had its foundation in the second purpose of my visit to Rochester, which was to interview Bill and Rhoda on their aoquaintence with George Adamski, an early UFO contactee who was successfully put down by the UFO antagonists of the time, abetted by the popular UFO clubs, none of whom ever carried out any real investigation of the man or his ET contacts.

My interest and my convictions about the validity of George Adamski's UFO contacts had been growing steadily since late 1979 when Swiss journalist Lou Zinsstag had given me her original manuscript on Adamski who stayed with her on his trips to Europe. She was personally acquainted with George almost from the time he came to the attention of the press in 1953, and they corresponded and met when possible since that time. Modified parts of that manuscript were used in "GEORGE ADAMSKI, The Untold Story" by Lou Zinsstag and Timothy Good. The gold Papal medal given Adamski by Pope John XXIII is kept today in the safe in Lou's brother's jewelry store in Basel, Switzerland.

My convictions were reinforced after reading Bruce Cathie's report on Mr. Adamski following his personal investigations in March of 1979, the only recognized UFO researcher ever to go to that trouble. He published a report on his findings in the last pages of his book "THE BRIDGE TO INFINITY".

An unusual twist in the Adamski story came out of a UFO landing in England on 24 April 1965, near Scoriton, in Devonshire, where three space-beings in "light-body" got out of a bell-shaped ship and made contact with Mr. Arthur Bryant, a gardener there, and one of the ETs indicated association with the former George Adamski, who left his physical body the day before in death
in the United States of America. That report and its investigation fills an entire book titled "THE SCORITON MYSTERY" BY Eileen Buckle.

We picked up other confirmations of the Adamski story in our loop through Europe during the next two weeks, including his private audience with the King and Queen of the Netherlands in 1959 and his private meeting with Pope John XXIII in the Vatican a few years later. We spoke to witnesses to both events and find them to be highly credible.

On our return to London the end of May we met with Benjamin Creme, who says he is a desciple of Lord Mitreya, one of the mystic masters of the Far East described in the Theosophical literature of the early 1900s, who, surprisingly added several more pieces to the puzzle. Mr. Creme told us that George Adamski was a pupil of one of his masters, and that he met Adamski, a second degree initiate, in his "light-body", before George Adamski came to world attention as a UFO contactee.

Mr. Creme affirmed that George Adamski's contacts were real and that some of them took place in dense physical reality, just as described by Adamski himself.

To a question about Adamski's contactors saying they came from Venus, Mr. Creme readily replied that such was really true. In fact he added the information that there were many Venusians among us then, and even today, and that George Adamski was a Venusian spirit who had taken incarnation here for a very specific purpose, which he had fulfilled before leaving this realm in death of the physical body. According to Creme, Adamski continued in his Venusian "light-body" after that, which does support the Scoriton story.

Mr. Creme explained that the life wave in evolution on Venus was forced up out of its dense physical level, equivalent to Earth now, by a change in natural conditions there brought on by that humanity itself. They all gave up their physical bodies in favor of higher dimensional "light-bodies" now appropriate to their new world of finer dimensional matter, where they have a form existence with landscapes, trees, plants, animals, water, clouds, atmosphere, buildings, etc., and a society appropriate to that vibrational nature of being. At the same time we see a hot, high pressure, uninhabitable surface at our density of being.

Creme said there is a human life wave in evolution on Mars too, but that they have come to exist in a vibrational realm of being somewhere between ours and that of the Venusians, but closer to the Venusians than us. He also added that there were other inhabited bodies in our solar system as well, but no others at our same dense vibrational plane of existence.

All of this lent substantial credence to the story in this book, which is our main reason for publishing it now. Even the title is most appropriate. Benjamin Creme informed us that Lord Mitreya had told him that all the angels of all the mythologies and histories of our world were simply extraterrestrials or extradimensionals, or both, and that they have come and gone ever since humanity came into being on this planet. Any serious investigation on your part will also confirm these truths.

Wendelle C. Stevens

Publisher of the english book


















 For the most part these are very misunderstood beings. The word
`angel' means a `messenger' and that has been their primary function,
coming to Earth from space ships to deliver messages. Of course, an
entity dropping out of the sky appears `divine' to unsophisticated
people, so the tradition developed that they came from `God'. Well of
course they did, `God' meaning anyone or anything with supernatural
powers such as the Gardeners of the Earth.
These flesh and blood angels became lumped together with entities from
higher dimensions, such as spirit guides and Higher selves, who can be
seen during astral travel, and Manus, who have responsibility for
cities, countries and worlds. Hence, to the unevolved, any being
beyond our limited comprehension becomes an angel- or a god

(not from this book)



intro-extract;                                                             "You will ask," Raphael (the space-contactman) resumed, "why we don't show ourselves to the inhabitants of Earth openly, or do something great or unusual in order that the truth might be made known to all, that everyone's eyes might be opened, once and for all. These are questions asked by a great many Earth people, at least since the time that Earth became a planet in need of rescue. I tell you now what has already been said and demonstrated to you before: This is not possible, as long as the brothers of Earth will not open their hearts to the Heavenly Father in humility and love. We work for your highest good, and we discern things which escape your error-blinded judgment. We understand when to take action and when to wait.

In other epochs, when things stood differently than they do today, we showed ourselves and led mankind quite openly. However, we cannot use coercion against the gift of free will, which God the Father has given to all his children, and we can state with certainty that the strength of your determination to probe the limits of rebelliousness will bring you even worse troubles than you have already experienced in the days to come.

Throughout the cosmos, it is not permissible for higher developed brothers to violate the freedom of those who still have a long way to go in their own development. So much that is bad can best be fought against after its devastating effect has been experienced by the people themselves, as a consequence of their hardness of heart. This is not because the good has no power to solve problems; on the contrary, it is the shorter way, and the way blessed by the Father."

Raphael stood up, and I did also. "Now we must part," he said.

Tina and the two space brothers, with whom she had been conversing, came over to us.

"We work by every means that we can," said Raphael, "in order that the good will eventually blossom on the Earth. This necessitates on our side a choice of action, always in harmony with the universal laws which are the Heavenly Father's will. Many times these are scarcely understandable to you, because you follow a logic of human might which is opposed to universal love. As a consequence of the limitation of your human understanding, you err when you judge us. Therefore it has been said and written, "Judge not." And yet you do pass judgment on God, on us, and on your brothers. Your judgment is in measure to your own prejudice. When you have arrived at a true understanding, the error of having been judgmental will be revealed to you. For in love lies the true understanding. The planet Earth has less love than the air which the inhabitants breathe."

       another extract;

"That afternoon I found myself at home. As I happened to raise my head, I noticed a light in the room, which grew gradually stronger and finally was much more intense than natural. In the midst of this luminosity appeared the figure of a young man of extraordinary beauty. As I studied him in utter amazement, I saw that his feet were lifted slightly off of the floor. He was barefoot, clothed in a sparkling tunic, and two bright wings. Enraptured with the beauty and majesty of his countenance, I gazed at him a long time in awe and wonder. This manifestation lasted for a considerable period of time, then finally disappeared as if a light were slowly extinguished.

In the days that followed, I could not erase from my mind the beauty of that manifestation, or the sweet feeling of peace that seemed to emanate from that light. It was as if this impression accompanied me silently wherever I went. 

Since my youth, I no longer believed that visions could be something real; I had always considered them to be the product of stimulated fantasy. But now I thought about the fact that the young person had appeared to me while I was in a quiet and relaxed state of mind, without any cause for excitement.

The sense of tranquility which had accompanied that experience was such that I was able to observe very clearly all details of what had been shown to me. I couldn't comprehend it, but as I thought about the wings of that being, I said to myself repeatedly in awe and wonder, "Perhaps the angels, then, really do exist" !

One evening before Easter I had just returned home and was about to attend to my affairs as usual, when the manifestation appeared to me again, in the same place and in the same manner as before. The whole room was filled with its light, which seemed to penetrate to my very depths. The radiant beauty of this being disturbed me strangely, yet I hoped that he would not depart. Deeply moved by this appearance, I was unable to either compose my thoughts or to think of anything else.

I gathered up my courage and asked him who he was. He smiled, and in a loving voice answered, "I am Raphael". I expressed the wish to learn something more about him and he said to me, "In the holy scriptures you will find the Book of Tobias; by reading that you can become better acquainted with me. You will see me again".

He stood for a while before me, with a look both pleasant and deeply penetrating on his shining countenance. Then he disappeared, and the light that had accompanied his presence also gradually faded away.

Among my books was a Bible which included the Apocrypha. I opened it, and as if by coincidence, came upon a page from the story of Tobias. I was surprised; it was as if an unseen hand had guided me to find this passage so quickly. I began to read and soon discovered that Raphael meant 'medicine', and 'healing from God'. The archangel had once come down to Earth in human form, to accompany the young Tobias on the roads of the world. He had led him to his bride and had healed her and also Tobias' father. Finally, when they wanted to pay him with gold, the angel made himself known to them, whereupon he rose up and disappeared from their sight.

All this I kept in my heart, and cherished the hope that I would see Raphael again, as he had promised.



The Chosen Place for the Meeting

I had lain down for a short rest at noontime. Just as I was falling asleep, a clear picture loomed up before my eyes. I saw a forest, its trees, underbrush, and a meadow with a path dividing it. I felt a deep peace come over me. As I was waiting for some insight into what I had just experienced, I heard the voice of Raphael saying to me, "Mark well the place! You should be able to recognize it in the future; it is the place of our meeting".

Then everything disappeared, leaving me with a feeling of calmness and inner peace. I sought to determine the manner in which the promised meeting would take place, and thought that perhaps the next manifestation of Raphael's presence might take place, not within the walls of my dwelling, but outdoors in a natural setting. That seemed to me an answer, yet I sensed that it was not all. I remembered that Raphael had said, "You will see me again". I decided to wait patiently.

On the night of April 23. 1980, the angel said to me, "In the early afternoon of the day after tomorrow, you will drive in your car to Finale Ligure. There you will learn what to do next. Greetings, in love!" Casting all doubts aside, I set out on the appointed day. The Riviera was crowded with pleasure seekers, out for a weekend holiday at the seashore.

Having arrived at Finale, I no longer had any problems, for the voice of Raphael came promptly to tell me the way.

"You must go to Calice," he said, "and from there continue on toward the mountain. There you will receive further instructions to guide you to the place of the meeting."

As I drove along the winding roads of the valley, I could not be certain whether I was proceeding from my own volition, or if a higher will was urging me on, or a curiosity stronger than all my fears, or the joyous anticipation of a meeting which I sensed might take place. The puzzle remained: I could not understand why I had been invited to go there.

Following telepathic instructions, I had turned to the right, and was now driving through another valley, which widened and narrowed in irregular fashion as I pressed forward in the late afternoon sunlight. I drove until I was told to leave my small car, a Fiat 500, and go on the rest of the way by foot. After finding a suitable spot to park my car, just off the paved road, I set off on a path leading up an incline and continued to follow the inner voice that directed me whenever I had the slightest doubt.

Ascending the slope, I was soon completely out of breath, but whether this was because I was not used to such climbs, or because of the excitement of the unknown, I could not say. My heart was in my throat. I stood still. At that moment I heard Raphael's voice saying, "Do not be afraid. Rest a little while, and then go farther. You will soon feel renewed."

I did as he said, and felt myself as if bathed in a healing stream. Thus strengthened and refreshed, I started off once more along the footpath. The sun was now behind me, and before me was the moon. They seemed to me like heavenly companions, harbingers, perhaps, of things to come. As I hurried onwards, I kept looking up at the sky in expectation. I felt entranced.

The small path now opened into a clearing. To the left I could still see the valley, and to the right, the mountain. I recognized it as the very place I had seen in my vision! Looking more closely, I was amazed to realize how familiar it appeared to me. My excitement quickened. "Breathe deeply and keep on going," said Raphael. I obeyed, and once again felt a flood of life-giving, refreshing energy. A soft, pleasant breeze caressed my body. I felt serene and full of joy. The breeze caused a slight trembling among the leaves, and it seemed to me that all nature shared my sense of expectation.

Once more I heard the voice of Raphael, "We are very near now, coming from the direction of the sun". I had heard it very clearly, as if it came from a point in the sky behind me. I turned around and saw, in front of the sun, over the valley, a small patch of cloud, which grew in size as it moved rapidly toward me. I heard a light humming sound coming from it.

I felt afraid, but, in spite of my fears, I kept my gaze firmly fixed on the mysterious object before me. It came ever nearer, reducing its velocity all the while, and began to descend to a point about one hundred feet above me. Now I could see it quite clearly. It looked like a large silver plate, in places like molten glass mixed with molten tin. Around it were lights of different colors, and underneath were three large spheres. All my fears left me and I felt my spirits rise to new heights.

The object again moved through the sky to a point where it hovered over a group of trees. Now I could observe it better than before. On the upper part was a large dome, on whose highest point burned a dazzling white light that illuminated the disc and its surroundings completely. The dome had small round windows around it, from which a similar light shone, as if the interior was illuminated from all directions. This light was stronger, but, rather than blinding to the eyes, it seemed to evoke an overall pleasant feeling within me. By comparison, the sun seemed now to be but a pale yellow glow. I was drawn to this light as if under a spell, and felt an unaccustomed joy within me which bestowed a blessing.

From this luminous disc I heard the voice of Raphael speaking to me. "It is not the first time," he said, "that we have met with men of Earth in this manner. From everlasting, we have spoken with mankind from our space vehicles, flying discs and starships. In your holy scriptures you have read that the Lord spoke to men of Earth from out of a cloud; your present encounter is no different from that which was experienced by your forefathers throughout the ages."

My astonishment grew as I sought to comprehend the fact that this experience was one which many others on this planet had had before. Again, I heard the voice of Raphael, "Welcome from the countless dwellings of the Heavenly Father," he said. "Our worlds belong to the brotherhood of universal love. Among us, a degree of harmony and higher understanding prevails, such as is unknown to your world. Through the ages we have come to you from the heart of space to offer you help and salvation."

The place where I was seemed as if transformed, not only by the light of the flying disc, but also by the things I was being told by that great being. A feeling of boundless freedom and grandeur, such as I had never known before, overwhelmed me. It was as if the narrow limitations of my spirit had been torn away.

"We have long wished for this meeting with you," said the voice. "Our joy is great. Be assured always of our love for you and your Earth brothers. We will come again. We greet you in the name of the Father of all."

I understood that he was also speaking for others who must have been with him inside the craft. I had wanted to ask him about so many things which were on my heart, but it seemed inappropriate, and I could not find the right words to express my thoughts.

"We will see each other soon again," said Raphael, "but then you will not be alone. Hail and farewell!"

The light which surrounded the flying disc suddenly changed color from white to violet and then a deep orange. There was a flash like lightning, in that moment I saw clearly the interior, as if it were nearby and transparent. The angel stood upright under the dome with his arms outstretched toward me. He was dressed in a garment which reached to his ankles, and there were other persons around him that I could not see clearly.

The hovering disc now became a ball of light, and I could hear a soft humming sound. Then all at once it sped away in the direction of the moon and vanished from sight in the twinkling of an eye. Over the trees a kind of mist remained behind, which gradually dissolved in the fresh mountain air.

extract from chapter 4, with the heading "The Valley of Contact":

"You will ask," Raphael resumed, "why we don't show ourselves to the inhabitants of Earth openly, or do something great or unusual in order that the truth might be made known to all, that everyone's eyes might be opened, once and for all. These are questions asked by a great many Earth people, at least since the time that Earth became a planet in need of rescue. I tell you now what has already been said and demonstrated to you before: This is not possible, as long as the brothers of Earth will not open their hearts to the Heavenly Father in humility and love. We work for your highest good, and we discern things which escape your error-blinded judgment. We understand when to take action and when to wait.

In other epochs, when things stood differently than they do today, we showed ourselves and led mankind quite openly. However, we cannot use coercion against the gift of free will, which God the Father has given to all his children, and we can state with certainty that the strength of your determination to probe the limits of rebelliousness will bring you even worse troubles than you have already experienced in the days to come.

Throughout the cosmos, it is not permissible for higher developed brothers to violate the freedom of those who still have a long way to go in their own development. So much that is bad can best be fought against after its devastating effect has been experienced by the people themselves, as a consequence of their hardness of heart. This is not because the good has no power to solve problems; on the contrary, it is the shorter way, and the way blessed by the Father."

Raphael stood up, and I did also. "Now we must part," he said.

Tina and the two space brothers, with whom she had been conversing, came over to us.

"We work by every means that we can," said Raphael, "in order that the good will eventually blossom on the Earth. This necessitates on our side a choice of action, always in harmony with the universal laws which are the Heavenly Father's will. Many times these are scarcely understandable to you, because you follow a logic of human might which is opposed to universal love. As a consequence of the limitation of your human understanding, you err when you judge us. Therefore it has been said and written, "Judge not." And yet you do pass judgment on God, on us, and on your brothers. Your judgment is in measure to your own prejudice. When you have arrived at a true understanding, the error of having been judgmental will be revealed to you. For in love lies the true understanding. The planet Earth has less love than the air which the inhabitants breathe."



more extract parts later | the whole book in word | as web