From chapter 28
Life and Death of
[Translated from notes made
in November 1975]
The discussion mentioned in
the previous chapter continues and Professor Hernandez asks another
question of the extraterrestrial woman LYA.
"Do we die the same as
on all the other planets?"
"No!" She said
flatly. "All the inhabited planets live from a star which
supplies them with energy. The life depends upon the nearness or
farness of the solar ray's (travel). I shall explain: The solar
energy stimulates the molecules, but there always must exist a
vibratory level of conductivity. The majority of the planets near a
star in movement suffer from it, but some balance the movements
perfectly, avoiding much of the frictions of energy. Of course they
are not worlds like yours, but, nevertheless, with the help of other
technologies, including contributions from other civilizations, they
come to preserve life on those planets.
There are planets whose
atmospheres are so delicate that they completely lack density on
their surface which, at simple sight, appears to be swirls of sand
dunes. Logically there could exist no life as you know it, but I
know there is some type of life, different. In ordinary stars they
detect from 40,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 degrees centigrade (sic).
Others like the sun, which feeds your world, generate 20,000,000 and
in their center almost 60,000,000 (sic). The intensity of
energy thus would reach any other planet sufficiently near. Another
planet, before Mercury, that approached it's (the sun's) surface
crystallized and was absorbed by the potent energy of the sun of
your system.
We are all made of stellar
material. You will encounter the
remains of rocks in every part of this universe, which contain amino
acids similar to those of your organism. All, starting from the same
(chemical) components that you know: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen,
silicon, etc., are concentrated, confined, and coordinated by the
"Do you imagine, it is
beautiful to think that in space the bodies vibrate in the same
manner as the atoms of our body?"
"That is life, and
it's complexity shows us the power of God. Observe the development
of your species, each one of those animals that live on your world
have some particularity... and that is programmed in the DNZ of each
being. Each one reproduces according to it's genus….without
change, without alterations, until it comes to new knowledge and
takes a new step, if God concedes to those civilizations a
contribution of knowledge, to beings who can control that without
danger for the universe.
Returning to the theme of
death, I can tell you that at one time the Earth was much closer to
the Sun. (as also Rampa
told in his books.R.Ř.rem)
It then provoked an exuberant flora and fauna that grew by gigantic
steps. When the solar radiation increased, man aged prematurely.
Why? It happened that the dead cells were accelerated in the
process of putrefaction with the molecular overstimulation, but the
live organism worked intensely, which produced a premature senility.
On other worlds, where adequate solar energy is available, and
where it lives conveniently removed from the nourishing star, the
inhabitants reach ages that would surprise you. The process
of aging is slow (there) because there is no molecular
The Moon of your world also
causes an excessive expense of energy by the human being. The Moon
causes an excessive expense of energy
As a body in the process of
extinction, it tries to available. In the beginning the Earth had no
satellite. It was conditioned to this, for which through the
absorption of a little discharged energy, was provoked of great
quantities of solar energy to your world. The Moon serves as a
sponge to compensate for the overcharge, but it also is a powerful
marking point for the Earth, which had lost orbital force after the
hecatomb that occurred on your world. "
Danger to Cities
(Translated from notes made
in November 1975)
Further continuing the
discussion described in Chapters 27 and 28, LYA describes a new
danger for our great cities as a result of our crowded populations
and our lack of control of the industrial technologies.
"Nevertheless, the
Earth human must take care of himself because the heat will
asphyxiate the great cities who have a large thermic surface for the
accumulation of noxious gases. This also is a danger. The
condensation of said gases could come in a moment. On other worlds
of equal terms of civilization to yours, they remove or they
neutralize all kinds of poisonous gases..."
"That's it LYA, one
theme aggregates another, until it seems that you want to wrap me in
a halo of wisdom for intensive knowledge, as if the time was about
to terminate before I know it. How difficult it is to understand all
that you have invited to meditate upon."
That frequently was too
much for me.... Many times I was left without absorbing the flow of
her wisdom teachings. LYA was the teacher and I the smallest of her
students... I also felt it hopeless to try to correspond in her
discussions... I wanted to show her that I understood all that she
said, but I did not want to seem false. She knew to what measure I
assimilated all that she said.
She could not allow
falsehood and I must not fake my position.
Various Spacecraft
In the course of clearing
up details for the publisher of this report, Wendelle Stevens had
written to Zitha inquiring about more details on the Andromedan
spacecraft, that may have been taken down in the hundreds of pages
of shorthand, during the discussions with Professor Hernandez.
She had confessed to an
ignorance of some of the more technical elements of those
discussions, and was more interested in the dialogues she better
understood. Those were the substance of the first pages on
transcribed shorthand notes she sent for examination, and they make
up the first 21 chapters of this report.
Zitha's description of how
she selected the material she sent and her problems in deciding what
to deal with next, are very illuminating, and are important in
understanding how much the real story has been downplayed in it's
transmission to us for this report.

She offers her idea on the
possible confusion of our Andromeda Constellation only a few hundred
lightyears distant with the Andromeda Galaxy over 800,000
light-years distant, by conservative estimates. After Stevens'
inquiries she had checked with a local astronomer who also agrees
that the Andromedan planet INXTRIA has to be in the Andromeda
Constellation in our own galaxy. She logically suggests that some
confusion may have come in, due to the professor's possible lack of
astronomical knowledge, and an unconscious association of the galaxy
with the word Andromeda.
She goes on to describe
exactly what her awareness of the Pleiadian contacts in Switzerland
was, and where her information came from and when, and believes that
the professor did not know even this much, thus reducing the
potential for feedback from the Swiss case.
And then she discovers some
untranscribed dialogue on another class of Andromedan ship of
intermediate size and clear mention of an even bigger mother-ship.
These new revelations
coming at this time are of such importance that this letter becomes
a document of itself in this highly unusual report, and so we shall
translate it here in it's entirety for your examination.
Perhaps the most astounding
revelation of this letter is the overwhelming inflow of information
now flooding the professor. He is being picked up more frequently
and is being taken to various places to witness things of such
import so often, that he gives up setting down the details in his
diary -- in fact he gives up even keeping a diary of his activities,
and now the information simply flows from his recollections in such
torrents that Zitha is no longer able to get it all down, and so her
shorthand notes, are unable to keep up with the history. She ends up
with long monographs on a given subject expounded on by the
professor, which then easily jumps to another subject with no
transition between them.
The professor's almost
casual mention of the considerable variety of special purpose
spacecraft used is such a case. He has been in small two person
craft, five person ships and other small ones. Then he has been
taken to intermediate size craft (that would be considered vary
large by us) which carry many occupants plus some of the smaller
sized craft. He has also been taken out to a great mother-ship of
immense size, which carries a number of intermediate and many
smaller ships inside of it.
To stop and describe all of
these phenomenal vehicles in detail, simply entails too much time
and energy, which he did not feel he had to spare, and so he passes
over much of this kind of information in his discussions of other
things, which he considered the more important, such as the
philosophical information and the messages these extraterrestrials
had for Earth humanity.
A point came where the
professor no longer set anything down in writing, and as he
remembered something to be added to another thing already described
to Zitha, he would call her up and fill in the additional details
that might have been overlooked before. Thus the shorthand notes
became broken bits of information, disconnected and sometimes
scattered, such that their true relationship to the whole was not
always clear.
Here is Zitha's letter
which partly begins to explain this situation. It is a real tragedy
that it was simply impossible to take down all the information that
was available through the professor before he disappeared
From chapter 31
The Professor's
Playing the Devil's
Advocate, Wendelle Stevens wrote Zitha Rodriguez in Mexico City and
raised all the doubts other advisors had mentioned to him concerning
this very mysterious case.
There was the disappearance
of the principal and probably only witness to the actual contacts.
There was the disappearance of most of his hundreds of pages of
notes and diary entries. There was the apparent hostility of the
Professor's wife, who indicated no willingness at all to cooperate
or to again produce the professor's papers returned to her by Zitha
Rodriguez. There was the unwillingness to allow any interviews with
the professor's children who might have been able to contribute
something to the investigation. There was the lack of professional
colleagues and even personal friends with whom the professor might
have shared his confidence, because he himself, after first
attempts, had come to fear their reactions to such a story.
This did not make for much
tangible support for a case like this, and Stevens expressed a
desire to renew the investigation with better resources and try to
collect some real substantial evidence. He had interested some
backers in supporting such an effort to discover more tangible
evidence and had given Zitha Rodriguez a list of things to try to
set up for reinvestigation when he could bring a team of researchers
to Mexico City. Zitha was trying to do this as best she could,
facing great difficulty in trying to reopen the case. Apparently
some Mexican government investigators had entered the scene and were
trying to frustrate any other effort besides their own.
She learned that the
professor's wife herself was under suspicion in the disappearance of
the professor, and that police detectives had been unable to close
the case for lack of a body.
The straightforwardness of
Zitha's reply and the poignancy of her interview with Sra.
Rodriguez, are so revealing that we have decided to publish that
whole letter here for you to read for yourself.
Mexico, D F the 17th of
April of 1988
Dear Mr. Wendelle:
Excuse my tardiness in answering, but
motivated by your doubts, that you amiably made me understand in
your last letter, I decided with all the possible risks, to
interview Sra. Hernandez. But I had to think of a way to do it. I
believed that she must have more information... and I was not
mistaken. I looked in truth for the manner of interviewing her in
the best way, as to say, without injuring her sensitivities, since
she is a person really difficult to deal with.
I shall not go into details about how I
did it. Th begin with, it was not easy because Sra. Hernnndez has
passed through a series of very difficult situations.
She never conducted herself with me in
any courteous manner whatsoever. At first, she argued that she did
not want to have any contact with journalists, and let me tell
you, Mr. Wendelle, that after having listened attentively, I
understood perfectly -- her situation and her attitude.
One of the first questions I asked was,
where is the professor?
She pursed her lips and remained silent
for a moment, and then she began to cry and said to me that she
did not know. She answered me saying that actually she had
investigated his MYSTERIUS DISAPPEARANCE, which occurred on 2
February 1984, and that many of the writings that were left by
the professor are in the hands of, since that date, some
investigators that -- are studying the case. She believes that
in some of the many writings there is information or some fact
about the professor. But up to now she has been able to learn
absolutely nothing of him.
Sra Hernandez told me that she has
carried on investigation in the most discrete manner possible, and
that she has no desire to allow publicity of the case.
Unfortunately, neither
she, nor her children, nor those who have investigated the case,
believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings, and I say
unfortunately, because in reality, to me, after analyzing the
circumstances that surround his disappearance, it makes it much
easier for me to believe that he left with his extraterrestrial
friends. If the professor had written something in those last
days, or even only one day before his disappearance, the
investigators could have discovered it, but I have not had access
to those writings, and the little that the wife of the professor
has in her hands will be made available to me after she returns
fran a trip she is going to make to Cuautla. (They
lived in Cuautla when he disappeared.)
to map over Cuautla/Mexico)
I asked the Sra., why have you told me
absolutely nothing about the disappearance of the professor, and
said that she did not want to involve me in the investigations,
moreover the detectives had told her not to speak to anybody about
the affair as thay feared it would thwart the investigations,
because they always believed they were dealing with a crime though
they had not found the body.
She affirmed that the first time that the
professor had been interned in a hospital was in 1982 and that he
remained there because he had a very serious burn on one knee (she
said she couldn't remember well whether it was the left side).
Though this burn was very strong, to the surprise of the doctors,
it healed much more rapidly than normal considering the age of the
professor. What really happened was that the treatment was
prolonged nevertheless, and that was when they asked him how he
had burned it, and he, quite simply, said that he had been about
to descend from an extraterrestrial ship.
This surprised me, Mr. Wendelle, because
he always wanted to keep his secret at all costs. why did he say
that? Only he knew about it.
From there they sent him to the
psychiatric clinic for all kinds of analysis to understand his
state of (mental) health and to determine what it was that was
making him mention UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.
The wife agreed to this, because it could
be said that she herself believed that he would be better off in a
hospital and that, as well, there they could cure him of that
illness which she supposed was mental.
He remained there 4 months until he was
released apparently cured.
He convalesced in his house in ???? for a
month, more or less. It was in Cuautla, where his disappearance
occurred two years later. Of that which the Sra. rescued from the
house, little remains in her hands. Some days before, neighbors of
the place, saw him conversing excitedly with a man of mature age,
but of healthy vigorous appearance.
On the day of his disappearance he wore a
pullover shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes, without socks. The last
time he was seen was with a newspaper in hand seated on a bench in
the park that was a few streets from his residence. He wore no
watch, and no important amount had been withdrawn from the bank
for nearly a week.
Nor did he say goodbye to his 12 year old
daughter when he adored, and he failed to keep the appointment
with a friend to play chess.
In the final years his relations with his
wife were tyrannical, but not the same with his children to whom
he gave priority of importance. His wife affirmed that in those
last months he carried on a life rather leaning toward a
philosophy almost pure Tibetan.
At first his wife did not worry because
on occasions the professor went out without advising her, though
this time, he didn't even say anything to his daughter. A day
passed, two and on the third she told the police. The
investigators asked her why she had not given them notice before.
She argued that his interests had been very distant and that she
participated in almost nothing of his experiences. Nevertheless,
she became the principal suspect. But since they could not find
the body, they could not proceed against her. And of course this
made her accumulate more resentment against her husband. She
returned to Mexico City in the automobile of her husband 15 days
after she had planned. (apparently she was by now living apart
from him.) Since then she has wanted to talk to absolutely nobody
about the affair.
I spoke with her daughter, and she
commented to me that sometimes her father, in a somber tone, had
told her that he knew too much about aspects that involved some
risk -- but she never understood what he tried to say about this.
The discussions with her (Zitha with
Sra. Hernandez) were really long, in clear language, both of
us expounding our points of view. I told her, yes I believed in
ufo's, because the professor had convinced me of them, and that
many contactees obtained interesting information about beings from
other planets. I described to her the manner in which I had known
her husband and how all of the conversation about life on other
worlds had developed.
She resisted the belief that living
beings exist outside of the Earth. She did not believe that LYA
could be extraterrestrial. She is sure that this deals with a
terrestrial woman.
She told me that she would look for the
papers that remained, though I do not know if she will find them
because she demonstrated reserve in some respects. I do not want
to compromise myself with her over the writings of the professor,
supposing that it might be due to the fact that she still
continues her investigation. Nevertheless, despite my insistence,
I did it subtly and always left a little of the decision to her..
She asked me not to interfere in the investigations, because I
could make myself suspect. I saw that she was afraid, since her
husband had disappeared under circumstances outside of normal.
I told her of the advances I had already
made toward a book and tried to convince her to help me with a
photograph of the professor. THAT infuriated her. She told me I
was trying to take advantage of the situation. She begged me that
if I made a book, I should not mention even the professor, nor his
children, much less her. But taking this case at a personal level,
I will continue investigating, though this would be at my expense.
On the other hand, I know that you have
doubts because, the difference is that I knew the professor and
was also very close to him on this, while you only have my word, a
very weak instrument. Nevertheless, I who knew him, learned much
from him about the UFO phenomenon, notwithstanding the fact that
he was a confirmed skeptic.
These last months in which I reopened the
book (project), my notes and some other things, excite me about
the edition. I have learned a great many more things, but I
believe that I have learned also that the Sra. Hernandez has good
reason in defense of her way of thinking. The disappearance of the
professor brings me to suspect the circumstances in which all this
I want to believe that his interplanetary
friends have invited him to pass two days, a week, a month, at
least some time (with them), but considering that in space the
time and this collapse together, can we presume that the professor
would return within various dozens of years, or perhaps he will
never return, or perhaps he has returned fran there remembering
absolutely nothing.
I will send you all I can
about LYA, sometime after the 3Oth of April. This is all for now,
Mr. Wendelle. I wish you much success.
Zitha Rodriguez
PS: On the other hand, if you consider
that the history of the professor is not duely documented, we can
wait for me to find the material that is lacking. I am in no hurry
to publish the book. Though I can well tell you that the time when
we will have an extraterrestrial invasion, is near. I don't want
you to lock "like a fool" on my part only because I send
you what I have. I have many things more but need to know what to
send you (it is in shorthand). However, if you believe that it is
not sufficiently interesting I do not want to carpranise the
About Alejandra, I will send you concrete
data, address, and if you can photograph, OK?
As YOU can see, there is much unresolved
in this case, and a great deal of mystery still unexplained. Zitha
and Stevens have themselves become involved to the extent that
they too have become a part of this bizarre affair.
Let us hope that Sra.
Hernandez can find professor Hernandez' last written notes or
papers, and that there is some clue in there to tell us whether
Hernandez expected to be picked up and taken away or not. This
might be instrumental in clearing Sra. Hernandez of the suspicion
she is under with the police.
If the police
investigators have those papers in the ones they took from the
Hernandez house, and they refuse to release them, or copies, back
to Sra.Hernandez, we may never be able to clear her of the heavy
pall of unwarranted suspicion.
SO now we learn that the
professor did not disappear from the institution as previously
supposed, but that he was released and went to his home in Cuautla,
where he was now living apparently separated from his wife, at
least temporarily. He had given no indication that he planned to
leave, and said no goodbyes. He just disappeared as though he had
dropped from the face of the Earth, and perhaps he has.