The Professor, true to his decision, decided to put his notes in order
and make them available for publica-tion. The good Professor has long
since passed from the scene... at the hands of his own compatriots, the
very ones he sought to save. Many of the predictions given him by the
mysterious extraterrestrial woman, LYA, have come to pass or are coming
true today. We are far worse off now than we were ten years ago when he
made his notes, which in the end actually became his downfall and were
the proximate cause of the unfortunate end to a brilliant career.
Had it not been for his accidental meeting with Zitha Rodriguez, and
his sudden impulse to tell somebody, any-body who would not be
suspicious and could understand what he was talking about, you would
not be reading these lines.
We wish the good Professor were here now to see his profound
revelations finally made public. It may be too late to save everything,
but perhaps there is still time to do something for ourselves and our
world in his memory. If so, then his sacrifice will not have been in
A non-profit Foundation has been set up under the CENTRO INTERNACIONAL
DE ESTUDIOS ESPACIALES A.C., Aptdo. Postal No. 92-047, C.P. 08500,
Mexico D.F., MEXICO in memory of Prof. R. N. Hernandez. The purpose of
this foundation is to advance the study of UFO phenomena worldwide, and
to continually inform the public on such events as they are reported,
to foster the publication of valid books on extraterrestrial contacts
and related phenomena, and to maintain a continuous exhibit of the
Hernandez material, his diary, contact notes and other writings on this
extremely interesting case and others like it, and to advance public
interest in such matters.
Let us take our hats off to one very brave and courag-eous man and to observe a moment of silence in his honor.
(Voluntary contributions may be sent to C.I.D.E.E. above.)
Andromeda Ships
While we have no photographs of the extraterrestrial spacecraft from
Andromeda, we do have descriptions and sketches, some of which we are
reproducing here in this report.
Professor Hernandez describes LYA's ship as about three meters diameter
at first, and revised that to five meters diameter after being up close
to and inside of it. It is circular in shape and convex on top, like a
lens. It has a wide transparent, or at least transparent from one
direction, dome on top. There is a radiant band of some different kind
of material in the flange of the disc immediately surrounding the
cupola on top. The rest of the metal-looking flange has a finish that
looks very much like brushed stainless steel with a kind of shim-mering
effect. The whole thing does reflect light like metal.
The craft is completely surrounded by a violet-shaded halo, corona, or
glow, and it all radiates heat. The colored halo distorts all images
seen through it. The halo flows around the ship and blends then with a
rotat-ing turbulence noticed underneath the craft and a green-ish light
radiated from the center underneath the ship and downward. Hernandez
was told that the green light was a part of the antigravitic field
generated by the craft, and was a result of energy conversion in the
A formula having no meaning to the analysts was jotted on the sketch.
We reproduce here both the professor's sketch and our erected line
drawing made from the same descriptions, notes and sketches.
Lacking a photograph of any of the Andromedan ships for presentation
here, we shall go to our files and look for something similar.
The Star
Aboard her spacecraft, LYA brought up an image of a starfield on a
viewing screen to show Professor Hernandez where she was from. He tried
to remind the various brighter points of light and the relative
position of what LYA said was her home sun system with respect to the
rest of the stars seen in that starfield. She said her home sun was a
part of what we call Beta Andromeda.
Beta Andromeda is apparently the central body of a group of stars
within the Andromeda Constellation which are gravitationally associated
with each other and are moving in space together. LYA has said that
that group is moving toward our local system at this time and is
closing on us so that in sufficient time we may even be neighbors for a
while. This, she says, is one of the reasons for their interest in us.
Other space traveling races in that same group of stars have indicated
similar interests.
The position of LYA's home planet INXTRIA, as seen and pointed out on
the viewing screen is not the position of the Andromeda Galaxy, M-31,
also seen on our star charts as a dim cloud of stars in the opposite
side of the An-dromeda Constellation. The Andromeda Galaxy was not even
shown in the star field seen in the viewing screen on board LYA's ship.
It has been noted before, in other UFO contact cases as well, that by
the time a given ET civilization makes contact with us, they have
learned our languages, stud-ied our sciences and technologies, and have
become familiar, with our written form and documented knowledge.
They usually are, or become, quite familiar with our astronomical
sciences and how far we have progressed in mapping and studying our
local universe. Thus they become quite familiar with our published star
charts and our groupings of stars for identification. (See also a
similar case evidencing thorough familiarity with our astronomical
knowledge in UFO-CONTACT FROM FROM RETICULUM.) If we connect certain
stars with lines to help us ident-ify them, they, the ETs, sometimes
use the same kind of
lines for the same reason, to help us identify the stars indicated. A
similar star chart was shown one of the contactees in UFO ABDUCTION AT
Thus we see Cassiopeia in the same viewing screen star field to help
confirm the stars in Andromeda, and we see INX'IRIA opposite Beta
Andromeda from Cassiopeia, in a section of dim stars. We do not think
LYA's home sun is even visible to us from here, nor would ours be
visible from there.
We shall first present, here, the simple star chart drawn by the
professor from what he observed from aboard LYA1s spacecraft.
Then we will present the same area of sky from a con-ventional
astronomical star chart for comparison, carry-ing a translation of the
professor's comments forward to the star chart clipping.
Next we will offer a photograph of that part of the heavens with the
selected field of stars shown, probably much as they were seen in the
viewing screen aboard the ship, except the constellation lines had been
Following that we will offer a comparative table of stars seen in the
Andromeda Constellation according to Burnham's three volume
astronomical reference guide. This will show us distance, magnitude of
brightness, mass, class of star, etc., for comparison. Our Sun is a "G"
class star.
This may not allow us to see LYA's home sun, but it will show us exactly where it is in our sky.
The extraterrestrials visiting Prof. Hernaez in Mexico, have told him
that they are from a "Galaxy" we call ANDROMEDA.
In UFO contact reporting, we frequently find a confusion between the
two words "Galaxy" and "Constellation" when we translate the contact
notes from one language to another at non-scientific lay level. As
these kinds of extraterrestrial communications, are usually intended
for a specific person or group, we have noticed that the ETs usually
use the vernacular familiar to the contactee they are communicating
Scientifically speaking, there is a great difference between the two,
yet we have both a constellation Andromeda and an Andromeda Galaxy; and
the Asdrareda Galaxy is a dim star cloud in the constellation Andromeda
on our star charts. The constellation is labeled ANDROMEDA and the
galaxy is identified by a number, thus a quick reference to our star
charts can lead to confusion, especially to a lay person.
We have taken the star chart brought up on the viewing screen aboard
LYA's ship to show the Professor where she was from, and we imeediately
see that the reference chart is of the constellation Andromeda, because
we can identify the other stars shown Hernandez with the stars in the
constellation Andromeda, in our own "Milky way" Galaxy. The Andromeda
Galaxy is not one of the prominent stars in the display, and it is
clear that the star group is not in the Andromeda Galaxy, because they
fit stars in our galaxy, and they are clearly associated with the
constellation Cassiopeia as a guide to help find them, which is also in
our own galaxy.
Thus the ET planet must be in our own galaxy as well, and this would
make more sense since it would only be 400 light years dis-tant versus
800,000 light years for the Andromeda Galaxy.
Also, LYA' s group has mentioned working with PLIONES on some projects,
and the Pleiades are in the same direction and the same part of the
heavens as the constellation Andromeda, with only the constella-tion
Triangulum between them, thus the two constellations are virtual
neighbors in our own galaxy.
We may therefore safely conclude that, since the ET woman contacting
the Professor in mexico, is using our names from our starcharts, she is
making reference to the constellation Andromeda in our own galaxy
rather than the Andromeda Galaxy itself which shows up on most of our
star maps as M3l or NGC 224. M3l is actually on the opposite side of
the dotted line in the Professor's star map from the position he has
indicated for INXTRIA.
A detailed analysis of the Andromedan stars in our star cataloges is
quite revealing. The first things we note is that the bright stars in
Cassiopeia are all at great variance in distance from us. They could
not belong to the same local systems, because of their wide separation
in space, Gamma Cassiopeia being 7 times as distant at 652.7 light
years than Beta at only 46.64 ly, but they are the brightest star
pattern most easily identified by a layman in that part of the sky.
Thus we may assume that they are only guide stars. One, however, 18
Cas-siopeia Alpha, is the only one identified by a name (Schedir), and
this is significant because that one star in Cassiopeia at 163.2 ly
distance may actually be a part of the family of stars in Andromeda
that, together with other significant stars, make up a local group.
(All figures are taken from the Atlas of The Heavens, Atlas Coeli
1950.0 of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sci-ences, vols. I and II, by
Antonin Becvar)
LYA's statement that her home sun was a part of Beta Andromeda may have
been meant as a visual guide for the professor, because she drew a
visible line from that body to the location of her home planet INXTRIA.
Examining the tables of stars, we find Alamak, 57 An-dromeda, another
star specifically named on LYA's chart, is exactly the same distance
from us at 163.2 ly as Schedir, and that 27 and 46 Andromeda are
likewise at the same distance and may be traveling together. 24, 41, 51
and 58 Andromeda, and 82 Pisces are close, within 20 ly, and may also
be a part of the same local star group.
When we look at the stars in the vicinity of the po-sition indicated by
LYA for INXTRIA, we do find one star and only one star that is an
almost exact fit, and that one is identified as 83 Pisces, also known
as "tau" Pisces, which is exactly in our local star group of interest
at 163.2 ly distance.
Thus it appears that '1tau" Pisces is either the local sun or the
central body of the parent sun system for the atmospheric planet
Of the many hundreds of stars visible in Constellation Andromeda up to
7th magnitude, just over 65 have been catalogued in this standard
reference work, and of those only 10 are in the local vicinity of our
target star and seem to be traveling in the same direction with it. Is
this then the system moving toward us within which LYA's home planet is
located? Other stars which seem to be associated with this group are
seen in adjacent constel-lation star space which is separated only by
an arbitrary invisible line delineated by our astronomers for
conven-ience. These few additional stars will also be listed in our
chart. Only a very small number of these stars are actually identified
on the accompanying star chart.
Taking the professor's star chart first, copied from the star field LYA
brought up on an image screen in her ship, we see a line from beta
Andromeda to INXTRIA. If we project that line to Cassiopeia it arrives
at a point near the middle star in the "W", near lanbda (27)
Cas-siopeia. Now, taking the chart from the Atlas Coeli, which is a
slightly different projection, if we begin at that same point in
Cassiopeia and project a line through beta Andromeda, we find that it
extends to tau Pisces, an exact fit into the rest of the description we
now have for LYA's home planet INXTRIA.
Could this be mere coincidence? Is it a happenstance selection that
just worked out by accident? Did the pro-fessor contrive this? If so,
why did he not select ALAMAK in Andromeda which is also an ideal fit in
the story, and which actually is in Andromeda constellation on our star
charts, instead of tau Pisces which is in another constellation that
only projects up into Andromeda? The professor actually did not seem to
be very well informed on Astronomy.
We are inclined to believe that the professor was not aware of all that
we have offered here, and that he contrived nothing of this
description, thus it stands with it's alleged source relatively
How I Came to Write This Report
This unique amazing report has come into being by a rather unusual
series of circumstances. Zitha Rodriguez did not set out to write a
book about UFOs at all, al-though she was interested in the subject.
She did not know Prof. R.N. Hernandez, either professionally or
per-sonally before this, and her meeting with him was quite accidental
--- or was it?
She was working on another project not related to UFOs at all when she
encountered Prof Hernandez for the first time. Even then she had no
idea that he would become the subject of her investigation on one of
the most profound UFO contactee cases in Mexico.
Zitha Rodriguez had never heard of Wendelle Stevens, and had no reason
to take interest in him, if she had - until Richard Heiden, with whom
she had been correspond-ing in Spanish, mentioned that Stevens had been
involved in investigating a UFO case in Switzerland, that had some
similarities to the one she had mentioned to him as occurring in Mexico.
Heiden contacted Stevens to advise him of Zitha and her case, and furnished Stevens an address in Mexico City.
Stevens wrote Zith an introductory letter, and receiv-ed a well thought out reply from
Zitha's reply laid some groundwork for what was to follow in weeks to
come, and so as to give the reader the same feelings of discovery of a
new and very profound UFO contactee case, we have decided to include
the bulk of that initial report to Stevens here for your examination.
The letter was straight forward, frank and honest, as the lady
describes her own involvement in this Hernandez case and how that came
about. All subsequent communica-tions have been just as straight
forward and direct.
We gladly share this communication with you.
CENTRO INTERNATIONAL de ES'IUDIOS ESPACIAI£S A.C. Apartado Postal No. 92-047 C.P. 08500
Mexico, D.F.
29 de diciembre de 1987
Wendelle C. Stevens Douglas, Arizona
Douglas, Arizona
Dear Wendelle:
I must in the first place thank you for all the attention you have
given to Prof. Hernandez and his history. To me it seems that it could
well merit a bock and dissemination due to the message contained. I
suggest that it mentions that it treats of the experiences of
univer-sity Prof. R.N. Herrrrdez, who fran the beginning refused to
publicise, because he feared for his children who work for the
government of Mexico (they still do), such that he did not desire to
bring this before the public.
I have read once and another time the translation so exact and so well
done on your part that the least I can do is congratulate you for the
work you have done. The professor one time had suggested to me the
title CONTACT FROM ANDROMEDA, but in reality, we later thought about it
and decided not to say anything about the title. On this, if you
publish a book or part of one, I can tell you that there has only now
been published, if the form of a synopsis, one article of three pages
titled "Yo Viaje de un OVNI". There were four or five pages but they
only published three due to a question of space. I worked for the
mag-azine OCULTO in 1979, where it was published.
In our numerous conversations, the professor and I, we decided that the
title was precisely that: "Yo Viaje en un OVNI", but to him it seemed
that we should give emphasis to the greatest importance, which was the
message of LYA. Concerning the material that you propose to publish, I
am in agreement.
In 1978 and1979 I directed the magazine OVNI. I began to have in my
hands a great volume of testimony of (UFO) sightings. Still today, I
have treatments also with other contactees who have had long
discus-sions with beings from the planet MU of the MUT System, but this
is the other history I have told you of. Well, at the same time I was
directing the magazine I was writing a book on earthquakes. A friend
told me of a person in the Instituto Nacional de Energia Nuclear, one
Prof. Carlos Graef, who was an expert in seismology, and that I should
go and see him.
I decided to interview him as suggested but never was able to see him.
One day, in final desperation, I gave my card to the secretary, on
which I appeared as Director of the magazine OVNI, and looked around
for somebody to help me. When I came back I passed by Prof. Hernandez.
Immediately the professor showed interest in what I was doing and how
was my work. He had an important charge at the Institute and was a high
executive of the University. He traveled con-stantly to all the
symposiums on nuclear energy held around the world.
I entered his office the first time without knowing exactly what it was
that was going to happen. He looked at me firmly like he wanted to know
the deepest of my thoughts. He invited me to sit down and be-gan to
question me... as if I were being interviewed by him. He asked me if I
was also dedicated to the investigation, or only to writing about UFOs.
I said, both. He asked me if I knew any person who had seen OVNIs
(UFOs), and I said yes. He wanted to know if I knew anybody who had
affirmed having traveled in an OVNI, and I said yes.
There was a prolonged silence.. .and then he said, "Do you believe in
OVNIs?" "I have never seen even one, I answered, "but yes, I believe
the ones who affirm having seen one, and even those who say they know
extraterrestrial beings.'
"But you never have seen one, isn't that correct?" He asked. I
an-swered, yes. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He stood up, walked
around the desk, and then striking his fist on the desk, he made a
surprising confession:
"I have traveled in a ship, and have been friendly with a women, who
says she cames from the star system that we call Andromeda. I at first
did not believe it," said the professor, "not all of it."
After a brief chat, because he had many occupations, he gave me an
appointment for a week later, and we talked sane more. Moreover he told
me he had been keeping a diary, and he gave me part of it to read. I
asked about the possibility of my writing this up, and he told me that
would be impossible. Who would think that anybody was going to believe
such a thing.
Nevertheless, against his wishes, I took some notes and began to write
a report, a little on what he told me, sane more on what he had
written, and a little from the contagion of his enthusiasm that flooded
out on narrating his experiences with LYA.
"If you don't tell anyone," he told me once, "my psyche overflows and
loses the balance between reality and fiction. I myself do not know
what is happening to me."
When the professor saw the first part that I had written, like the part
I sent to you, he wept, simply cried, not of cowardice, not in fear,
but of emotion, of joy, of happiness.. .because finally someone had
caught on to his idea and his experience. He had told nobody of
this, but sometimes he had insinuated to his friends the possibility of
the existence of this woman in the life of another ....... a fictitious
friend. But many would not believe it. For this he cried this day.
Finally he gave me many pages from which I extracted the most important
things. The majority of these were picked up by his wife. I regretted
having to give them up, but I had already copied many things which was
also why I gave them to her then. Lamentably, the wife of the
professor, read the copies which I had delivered to her. She suc-ceeded
in having the professor sent to a psychiatric sanatorium by order of
Jose Lopez Portillo. I believe that she was jealous, that she did not
believe that there was any extraterrestrial woman, but a terrestrial
one, and nothing would satisfy her but to subject him to this treatment.
One day he called me from Chihuahua, though he did not know exactly
where he was, and told me that it was necessary and even imperative
that the account be published. Hugo Stiglitz took the manuscript as he
wanted to film it in 1987, but then his house burned down. I don't
think it had any connection with the manuscript, because I had
submitted it to the publishing houses in Mexico who did not have the
money to publish it, and nothing happened to either of them.
I have looked incessantly for the professor, putting much time in
ZITHA. It was very important and only he would understand, but I never
received any reply. I last saw the professor in 1981.
I have come to think that he might have been carried to the planet of
LYA, or else he continues living in a psychiatric institution be-cause
they considered that he had gone crazy and was telling lies. To me it
always seemed that he was a well balanced man. His house in
Tecamachalco, Mexico, was sold in 1982 and the new owner does not know
of the professor. I have a photo, separately, which is the only one
that has a possible image (of LYA). He had taken several but LYA
appeared in none of them. In the first of them, however, one can see a
human form of some kind of energy that seems to be there, as if it were
a luminous fantasm. I am sending it to you, but please take care of it
since I have no other, and it is possibly the only proof that I have,
though the "experts" reject it saying that such is no convincing proof.
I am also sending you the part where the professor met Thomas Has-kins
in Chicago, though I do not have his address. Tom was having con-tacts
with a man from Andromeda. The professor was very worried about the
threat that LYA had told him of concerning humanity, and was prfoundly
inpacted by the existence of life on other planets, in other star
systems. He was fascinated by his encounters with this ET woman, such
that when he met Thom, he was disillusioned profoundly, because he said
that Tom had taken his contacts so lightly as merely an act of
circumstance. And to the professor, the arrival of LYA had been too
transcendental, too important.
He had said to that he did not want his name on the report, but I
suggest that at least his initials and his second surname could be
used, if you agree.
I worried much about the professor at first. I placed announcements in
several periodicals, including UFO Report (now defunct) in 1979, asking
if anyone knew the words INXTRIA or LYA. I placed an announcement in
the Fortean Times of England in 1980, and received a letter in which I
was told that in the book UFO PROPHECY, was the name INXTRIA as a
planet of a planetary system. I obtained the book in 1983, and there I
actually saw that it spoke of beings who live on the planet mentioned.
Can you imagine, Wendelle, how I felt? Nevertheless the bock did not
speak of of Andromeda nor of LYA.
Richard sent several books last year, and I sent him what I knew of a
very interesting contactee named Enrigue Mercado, who remained aboard
an extraterrestrial spaceship for 28 hours.
'Today various (ET) races are beginning to arrive as LYA predicted. In
this respect I have enclosed an article on something that is occur-ing
in Meoqui, on the border with the United States, in which is men-tioned
same little men only 10 centimeters tall, with an amphibious
appoarance, who have three fingers on each hand similar to those of
frogs, an interior nose, teeth like a fish and a crease in place of a
mouth. This is the first indication.
Well Wenelle, I hope that this year will bring to the fullness of
reality your most treasured desires, much success and good health.
/s/ Zitha Rodriguez
Zitha Rodriguez Montiel
End letter
Article Published
You have read in Appendix
III that Zitha Rodriguez was the author of the first article
published on the R.N. Hernandez UFO- contact case, a three page
synopsis titled "Yo Viaje en Un OVNI", which she
regretted doing because she found it ippossible to do justice to
this case in one article. That account, with title changed to
"Zmigos Extraterrestres" was published in OCULTO,
January 1980, a magazine on unusual phenomena published in Mexico.
In the accompanying
letter, Zitha said she wrote the article on 4 November 1979 when
she was working for that magazine. What should have been a 4 to 5
page account was edited down to the 3 pages published for lack of
space, and much narrative was lost. But perhaps we should preface
this presentation with a little more explanation.
When Prof. R.N. Hernandez
(a pseudonym) first met LYA, she told him her name was Elyense,
and that she was not from this Earth, but came from a world in
Andromeda, a planet which she called INXTRIA. Hernandez
jokingly said he would call her LYA for the princess in Galaxy
Wars, a science fiction feature in Mexico... and he used this name
for her ever since.
Before seeing her
spaceship and meeting others of her race of human beings very much
like us, from her group, Prof. Hernandez asked for some proof that
she was from beyond Earth, as she claimed. She then did something
that made his gold watch undergo an impossible change. The steel
cog-wheels and parts inside the watch were converted into formless
white metal inside the watch case while the gold parts remained
entirely intact. This completely defied the ordinary laws of
physics as we understand them. Gold melts at a far lower
temperature than steel and is much softer and more malleable.
Another time, Prof.
Hernandez took a color photograph of LYA that, upon being
developed revealed nothing but a possible energy field where the
image of LYA should have been.
During this time, Prof.
Hernandez was the Director of INEN, The Instituto Nacional de
Energia Nuclear, there in Mexico.
(summing up of his
thoughts in the beginning of these contact;) from page 275:
"Today, Saturday, after
having gone to see my friend Carlos, while drinking a cup, LYA,
the extraterrestrial woman started a telepathic conversation with
me, and gave me an order: I must meet with her on the road to
Toluca, around 10:00 o'clock that night. Her friends wanted to
meet me. I felt like a condemned going to trial. Ultimately I did
not feel altogether well with reference to my nervous system.
Possibly LYA detected my state of mind and added: "Today you
will have a singular experience that no other terrestrial has
lived, but you will need to get control of yourself. You have
almost done it already."
I looked at my watch. It
was 20:10. I still had time. I thought at that moment of refusing
(I could have done it, I affirmed to myself, with the energy
within me), but I did not do it.
On some pretext I took my
departure from my friend a short time later, and drove my car
straight to the Paco de la Reforma, where I took the road to Lomas
of Chapultepec turning the wheel in the direction indicated.
Again that torment
appeared in my mind. Something, an instinct, had gained control
with the help of that being "more powerful than myself. I
resisted going, but no external self had nevertheless decided to
acceed to that strange appointment... I wanted to say no, but my
lips only pronounced yes.. yes....
By the road to the
Desierto de los leones, I had the sensation that I was approaching
the place. Then I no longer had control of my auto. It was
advancing by itself. A feeling of terror overcame me. Now as I
remember, I can compare it to that sensation felt by those who
have been captured.
Again that voice in my
brain ordering me to calm my emotions. The auto had left the
highway and was advancing over a bunpy field road. I noticed then
that there were few houses n~ where before I was surrounded by
them, and they were becoming ever "more distant.
Around 21:45 the car
stopped. I looked around me. All was darkness. I turned on the
interior light of the vehicle and left the headlights on to
illuminate the road. All was thick darkness. I took out a
cigarette and activated the car lighter. I inhaled the smoke
deeply and sat there, smoking to calm myself little by little.
The minutes seemed to
pass like centuries.
Finally, "more or
less like ten at night, I saw that someone was approaching from
behind the car.... It was her!
I opened the door, took
her by the hand and got out. We walked straight toward a small
hill that was like two kilometers frem that place. I went the
whole way taken by the hand. Anybody would have thought we were
lovers or something like that.
To one side of that hill we stopped. Suddenly, before my eyes, a space ship, bigger than
the first was materializing, slowly, before my surprised eyes that
refused to believe what they were seeing. Once the ship appeared
complete, two men of friendly face came out and looked candidly at
me. I recognized one of them. Yes, I had seen him in Sanborn's
with LYA.
They both introduced
themselves and then they invited me to go up into the ship. Once
inside, I could see that this one was almost identical, with some
differences, fran the first one I had seen. Also, this one had a
decontamination roan, for debacteriorization (as they called it).
Once I had changed my
clothes, LYA informed me that I must pay attention to all that I
would see, since that night was going to be the only one (like it)
for me.
We all took seats and the
ship began the flight. During the departure they explained to me
that we were flying over the United States toward Alaska, to the
nortthest of Canada. Below, I could see clearly (despite the
darkness of the night) the Valley of the Yukon. Th the south a
chain of volcanic rocks whose peaks rose to more than 6,000 meters
elevation, covered with snow.
The ship stopped
suspended in the air at "ore or less 3,000 meters altitude
exactly to the south of Kodiak and the Inland Sea, above the
Pacific Ocean.

I was informed that many
miles from there, a submarine was prepared to carry out it's
atomic exercises, and that it was equipped with depth charges, but
that, that night, it possibly had to be removed fran that place
and suspend it's exercises because the Royal Air Force, utilizing
a bomber, would detonate an artefact in that place. I saw that the
radar (viewing screen aboard the spaceship) captured the position
of the submarine, and though it was going away now at high
velocity, it appeared in the viewing screen and I could see that
it belonged to the United States.
The two friends of LYA
had located the exact place in which they were going to carry out
a very important nuclear exercise. The bomb they were going to
detonate had atomic force superior to that which up to this time
had been tested. The extraterrestrial ship performed some
reconnaissance turns advancing to above the site selected.
I was surprised. For a
moment I feared that the Mexican radars would detect us and then
could kill us. I it that did not happen. LYA reminded me that they
were using their negativiser of light and frequency.
Around midnight two
bombers of the Air Force appeared in the sky. At that moment I
believed that those were the last minutes of my life.
One of those
fighter-bombers released it's deadly cargo. At the
moment that my friends foccsed the screen on the place where they
had released that lethal heavy artifact, precisely on the site, I
heard a whistle in the distance and then the "motors of the
aircraft could be heard becaning ever "ore distant. The ses,
scarcely illumited by the weak reflection of the stars, shock and
a great noise drowned out the turbulence of those cold waters, and
could be heard for miles around.
Our ship advanced slowly
toward the place in an act that I considered suicide. But LYA
calmed me. At that moment, a great din could be heard. Upon
looking at LYA in an expectant attitude, she explained:
"It is the
liberation of the atoms."
At 2,000 meters of
altitude, the two men, who during this whole time had not lost a
single detail of what had occurred, deployed and began to activate
an enormous suction device. LYA explained:
"we must aspirate
all of the atomic potency before it disperses over the surface. In
this manner we can eliminate the maximum of terrestrial
I don't know how long
this operation lasted, but it seemed to me that it could have been
carried on for almost an hour.
I believe that I
understood that they also used an atomic neutral-izer.
At the end of this
operation, the ship rose ever higher until it came almost to the
Van Allen belt. It stopped before passing this space barrier, and
activated a system of aperture. We went out beyond the belt and
then the same ship, utilized a system with which they closed the
entrance point. This, said LYA, was to prevent release of the
atmosphere so necessary for terrestrial life.
Thousands of kilometers
beyond, we released the lethal cargo already neutralized. Once
they had completed this maneuver, the men and LYA looked at me.
They were breathing laboriously, but not for the pressure of
space, nor for lack of atmosphere, since the ship was equipped
with a special atmospheric generator, but for the importance of
those key moments for human survival.8
I felt better, possibly
because I knew that I was protected by people such as these.
Upon return to Earth they
explained that they had been doing the same since the nuclear
experiments began on this planet.
When we descended,
precisely in the place in which the extraterrestrial appointment
began, my nerves gave way and I began to cry like a child. LYA
said it was logical, that many feelings had been found to emerge
that night.
my tears continued as I
looked at my watch. It had stopped at 12:30 that night.
LYA helped me get to car.
I got in it. The moon slowly appeared frem behind the dark clouds
and illuminated the field... I looked up at the sky but could not
see the ship.
I started the vehicle and
turned, leaving that place and headed for the Navado de Toluca.

In the morning, the
caretakers of the park found me at the foot of the mountain. The
Sun was rising in the east when I first saw them.
I was being observed by
four curious eyes peering at me through the windshield. They
looked surprised. Then I opened the car window and heard them
asking me if I felt all right. With a whisper I said yes, that I
was all right.
Surely they thought that
I had cane there drunk and that I had fallen asleep because it was
impossible for me to return.
I didn't tell them
anything; only stated the motor and left there straight for Mexico
I arrived at my house
around seven in the morning of that Sunday which seemed to me the
most marvelous of my life. I went to bed to rest, my wife having
already awakened. It was obvious, I must say, that she was visibly
irritated, but I did not have the necessary valor to explain that
experience, which I have probably been the only mortal to have
Further information on this contact was given in the book by ROBERT SHAPHIRO, "andromeda" from aug.2001- and it can be read online on the link here or below
To get the complete book - use some few
dollars to buy the e-book on this case and others from the
esteemed Wendelle Stevens ((1923
– 2010)
) - and go to his site
- still online - on
And read how to buy this book