Extract from page 99, but remark that
this was another case:
"…with such widespread interest in
what was going on, many witnesses came forward with their own
stories of related sightings of strange lights in the sky, and
described their movements and colors and how they arrived and
departed. There seemed to be a consistency and a constancy to the
appearance of these strange objects in this region.
But what the articles did not say,
was that in the middle of this great hubbub, one of the flying
objects did descend not far away, and from it disembarked two
occupants who remained for several minutes on the Paulista soil --
apparently attracting minimum attention of the thousands of
observers who anxiously waited for some direct contact.
According the account of one eyewitness,
photographer Joao Antonio Sobrinho of the Diano Popular (one of
Sao Paulo's larger newspapers), together with reporters; Amundsen,
Limeira and Rosa Maria Sposito, there to cover the event:
"We spent the whole night there. We
saw and photographed the strange lights as they moved about in the
sky above. At first there were only two (luminous objects). a
little later 3 more appeared. We were in the city of Sorocaba, as
were most of the reporters covering the story."
"It was past mid-night when an
automobile approached my position; 'You from the Press?' I nodded
affirmatively and the motorist invited me to get into the car.
Inside, I was introduced to Marcelo and Cristina Sanches. He was
employed by Dr. Alfredo Metidieri, ex-president of the Paulista
Federation of Football. He told me that at the farm of Dr. Alfredo
we would be able to see the aerial spectacle a little better, and
from there with less city light interfering, I might be able to
get better photographs. We travelled on a dirt road for a distance
of about 10 kilometers, until we arrived the place where I
disembarked and was introduced to a guard, Joao Luiz Coxnez, who
recieved me emotionally saying: 'They, today, are impossible. One
of them passed so low and so close that I had to run inside the
guardhouse for protection!'
"The other reporters had remained in
the city and now I
knew more about this than they. Nevertheless, they had eyes to
look at the sky and the strange lights dancing above, maneuvering
alternately, some with others, and then forming new combinations.
I was ecstatically shooting photographs and conversing with Joao
Luiz. Altogether I used up 3 thirty-six frame rolls of film and I
do not know when Amundsen and Rose arrived at the farm. I knew
that Marcelo had gone to look for them and tell them where I was.
The three of us continued watching the maneuvering discs until
05:00 in the morning when the occupants of the landed disc were
"One of the discs had descended and
was hovering in the air above a small elevation of terrain while
the others continued their rations above. It further descended
slowly until it almost touched the ground and a port opened and
from its interior emerged two humanlike creatures. They were small
beings that I thought could be no more than 1.50 meters tall. They
seemed to be poised above, or on top of, a kind of platform that
floated between the ground and the ship. They were both dressed in
identical one-piece space suits with enclosed helmets covering the
head. The helmets had small light beams coming from a kind of
housing on the top of the helmets -- like miner's lights. This
illuminated the ground in front of them, while the small beings in
their suits were illuminated by light emanating from the
disc-shaped ship above them.
"I felt like I must be hallucinating
this as my eyes followed the unfolding scene. I was able to
observe the smallest details. They were there in front of me at
this very moment. I had heard the stories of the appearance of
such strangers in various forms and aspects, but it never occurred
to me that I might someday see them with my own eyes, and I could
see them well. There was no disputing the reality of these Ufo
"You can believe that it gave me a
scare, a mixture of curiosity and fear. A person who can see and
feel the presence precisely, of the arrival and proximity of the
creatures is affected, but when they actually approached this
close, people trembled. It must be the fear of the unknown that
produces this. When we arrived at Sorocaba, famous for the Sao
Domingos Quarry, which seemed to be the epicenter of the UFO
activity, there we were surrounded by many people, which gave one
a certain assurance
of safety. But here at the Santa Maria farm it was different.
There were few people and those discs above, and one even hovering
there in front of us with occupants outside and visible! I was
sure that they were able to see us with those lights on top of
their helmets.
"With fear and emotion we watched
the accompanying manoeuvres of the spacecraft and observed these
small beings before us. They seemed to be effecting some kind of
sounding of the ground, seemingly indifferent to our presence in
the vicinity. The disc-shaped craft from which they had emerged
was about 10 meters above the ground and some considerable
distance from us -- too far away for good photographs, but
sufficiently close to observe their activities in great detail.
Difficult because of the darkness of that Friday night and because
the light that emanated from the disc was very bright. It was a
different kind of diffuse halo-like light that was very bright but
"The 2 beings did not remain long on
the ground, perhaps no more than 15 or 20 minutes or so. While we
were watching the small beings at whatever they were doing, the
bright light of the disc which illuminated the scene suddenly went
out. And then the small headlamps on the helmets also went out,
and it became completely dark and we could see nothing. Shortly
the disc began to ascend, but now we could not see any vestige of
the small beings. Then the ship began an oscillating movement and
descended some, but as it was descending toward the ground it
passed behind the hill. I tried to get a final photograph, which
failed despite a return of some of the light to something like
half-light. There was a kind of luminous explosion and everything
went very quiet. Nothing else was seen, except the same other
discs that continued their flying above, now more dimly seen but
still visible. As daylight was beginning to break, we decided to
return to the capital (Sao Paulo).
"The flying discs continued to
return on following nights but we were never ordered to return to
the scene for any kind of followup*
*Realidad Fantastica No. 2, Nov 1980, p.