part 2
the Spirit of
André Luiz |
Through medium Francisco Cândido Xavier |
Electronic Edition by GEAE |
Translated from the 25th Portuguese
edition entitled “Nosso Lar” . First Portuguese edition published in
1944 by
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. |
English edition by Christian Spirit Center, P O Box 114, Elon
College, N. C., 27244, USA. |
Revision and editing by Lauren Speeth Luczynski |
1st Electronic
Edition by Antônio Leite (New York, NY, USA) and GEAE (Advanced
Study Group of Spiritism) |
Preface to the first electronic edition,
Introduction to the first English edition,
A New
message from André Luiz,
Chapter 1 In the lower zones,
Chapter 2 Clarence
Chapter 3 Collective prayer,
Chapter 4 The spirit doctor,
Chapter 5 Under treatment,
Chapter 6 Precious advice,
Chapter 7 Lysias explains,
Chapter 8 Administrative organization,
Chapter 9 The problem of nutrition,
Chapter 10 The water park,
Chapter 11 Learning about the Astral City,
Chapter 12 The lower zone,
Chapter 13 With the minister of assistance,
Chapter 14 Clarence explains,
Chapter 15 My mother’s visit,
Chapter 16 A confidential talk,
Chapter 17 Lysias’ home,
Chapter 18 Love, the food of souls,
Chapter 19 The newcomer,
Chapter 20 Notions about the home,
Chapter 21 Interesting conversation,
Chapter 22 The hour-bonus,
Chapter 23 The art of listening,
Chapter 24 A soul-stirring appeal,
Chapter 25 A generous initiative,
Chapter 26 New perspectives, |
Chapter 27 Work at last,
Chapter 28 On duty,
Chapter 29 Francis’ vision,
Chapter 30 Inheritance and euthanasia,
Chapter 31 The vampire,
Chapter 32 Learning about Veneranda,
Chapter 33 Curious observation,
Chapter 34 Newcomers from the lower zones,
Chapter 35 An unexpected meeting,
Chapter 36 The dream,
Chapter 37 Veneranda’s lecture,
Chapter 38 Tobia’s home,
Chapter 39 Consulting Laura,
Chapter 40 As you sow, so shall you reap,
Chapter 41 A call to the struggle,
Chapter 42 The governor’s address,
Chapter 43 An informal conversation,
Chapter 44 The dark regions,
Chapter 45 The music fields,
Chapter 46 A woman’s sacrifice,
Chapter 47 Laura’s return,
Chapter 48 The home prayer meeting,
Chapter 49 Returning home,
Chapter 50 A citizen of the Astral City,
News from the afterlife reach us since time immemorial. They teach
us, alert us and give us solace. From Saul consulting the dead
Samuel (Samuel 28:1) on the direction of Israel, to the disciples in
Galilee (Matthew 28:16-28:20) visited by the Master after
crucifixion. From Peter freed from prison by an angel of the Lord
(Acts 12:1-12:10) to the voices which guided Joan D´arc for the
salvation of France. Messages on the state of the human spirit after
death often remains hidden in these news. |
Messages translated into the proper language and customs of their
times speak us about heavens and hells, where human beings find
themselves and the results of their actions. These are more or less
happy resorts according to the spiritual state of their inhabitants.
In many instances they are covered with poetry, as in Dante´s Divine
Comedy, or hidden under the symbols of the great mystics.
Even recently, at a time of positivist science, the flux of news did
not stop. On the contrary, starting in 1848 it has grown
increasingly, finding elucidation in the gigantic effort of analysis
and compilation carried out by Allan Kardec. Starting with “The
Spirit´s Book”
(1857) they continued through “Posthumous
(1890), strongly intertwined by the ‘Revue
(1858-1859). “To be born, to died, to be born again and always move
forward” – the several plans of human existence are unveiled, each
one endowed with its proper aim within the great work of evolution.
Spiritism, the set of teachings contained in Kardequian works, has
organized and spread the interchange of news among incarnate and
discarnate. Groups were established in several countries. In the
Brazilian lands however a propitious environment for good
mediumnistic work and practical application of the Spiritist
postulates was found. Bezerra de Menezes, Caibar Schutel, Eurípedes
Barsanulfo and many others vividly spread the “Good news”, that
actually death does not exist, that we found ourselves under
transitory study in this material world, that opportunities of work
and improvement abound in the “many Father´s mansions”… |
In a continuously changing world, in which the domain of matter
takes place and the human inner universe remains unknown,
materialism seems little by little to triumph over all the spiritual
conquests, reducing to pious myths all the religious creeds. In this
world, Spiritism stands up straight, marching forward in the
enlightenment of people. At the very moment when man find himself
far from God, a masterpiece shows him his supreme target, shaping
forever the behavior of future generations. |
(or “The
Astral City”
in the present English version) appeared on Earth in 1943 through
the mediumship of Francisco Xavier and edited by the Brazilian
Spiritist Federation (FEB). The book tells us the odyssey of a
recently departed physician who introduces himself under the pen
name “André Luiz” (see forewords by Emmanuel and J Haddad). The
author discloses a spiritual society, a colony of work located in
the vicinity of the Earth surface, where one finds the happy of sad
results of one acts after reaching “the
other side”
of life. Far from abstractions or purely philosophical
argumentation, André Luiz speaks about the actual reality of
imperfect spirits still alive, working and preparing themselves for
the next life’s struggles. |
is an evolving society, much similar to the terrestrial one. It
displays many patterns of the Brazilian society at the time,
forecasting other ones that would arise in the following years.
Using a comparison, “Nosso
is a kind of spiritualized |
Rio de Janeiro or, more exactly, Rio is a material “Nosso
in so far as many of its inhabitants come from this spiritual
colony. |
Putting aside the Brazilian feature of the colony, “Nosso
is an universal example. Wherever the human spirit goes after death,
be it a spiritual colony of an English speaking country or a
spiritual town in ancient India, it always meets itself, carrying
its conquests or past mistakes, beloved affections or inner enemies.
In one word, it goes to a place with which it has strong affinities.
And then, perhaps under different customs or dressings, the spirit
finds a reality much similar to the one revealed by André Luiz.
So we strongly recommend to all our dear friends the reading of this
work. We also hope that it can consolidate the certainty in the
afterlife and in the maxim “without
charity there is no salvation”
as it did to many Brazilian fellows. We remark that just after the
edition of this book, as if reinforcing a practical teaching by
Bezerra de Menezes, Brazil saw the appearance of many Spiritist
groups attached to the ideal of social and spiritual assistance
works. In this way, Spiritism became one of the leading schools of
thought in Brazil. Thanks to this book, we find today assistance
works everywhere, no matter how small the Spiritist group.
Finally, we would like to recall one of the strongest messages of
this book: “work
appears when the worker is ready”.
Let us be in the service of our beloved sisters and brothers, that
God will open the closed gates, placing us at the exact position
where required hands lack.
Carlos A Iglesia Bernardo,
editor. October 15th 2000.
The desire to have this classic of Brazilian Spiritist literature
available in an English edition was first manifested in the early
60`s. |
Ever since that time, several dedicated friends, moved by a sense of
duty to translate such an important story, had progressively
submitted their manuscript for evaluation. |
Having used parts of their work, we feel, therefore, indebted to all
of them, among whom is Evelyn Morales, Guiomar Saraiva, Hermínio
Miranda, Ely Donato and others who kindly offered us their
assistance. We are especially indebted to Laura Speeth Luczynski who
worked on the final editing of the text. Mrs. Luczynski succeeded in
reducing flowery Portuguese into current English yet without
altering the original thought. |
This being a book of universal importance and altogether the result
of voluntary work, we cannot but praise God for the interest that it
has found in the hearts of all those whose efforts have contributed
to make it available. |
Lastly, we wish to thank the Federação Espírita Brasileira for the
permission granted us to publish this English edition of “The Astral
Introduction to the First English Edition. |
Through the course of history, man has progressively received
information about the afterlife according to his ability to
assimilate it. During his brief sojourn on Earth, man is generally
too involved in his worldly affairs to be able to readily conceive
of an invisible plane of life. This being the case, his spiritual
education could not but move at an exceedingly slow pace from its
beginning centuries ago. |
Revelations pertaining to a spiritual world permeate the scripture
of all major religions in various degrees. These revelations, or
instructions, however, were necessarily limited in scope, and at
times cautiously veiled in fragmentary statements of allegorical
language. It is interesting to note, for example, how this
instruction process gradually develops in the Old Testament
beginning with the idea of a paradise, and continuing with
references to angels or spiritual messengers, and then to chariots
and horses of fire, followed by the notion of a lower world or Hell,
and many other similar statements implying a transcendental world.
In the New Testament, somewhat more detailed descriptions are added,
such as the state of Lazarus and the Rich Man after death, the
Lord’s reference to “many mansions” (John, 14:2), the great and
small in the Kingdom of Heaven, and the “legions of angels”
(Matthews, 26:53). There are also details in some of the Apostles’
writings, specially in the epistles of Paul of Tarsus and in
Revelation. A more significant step is taken in the latter to
describe prophetic scenes of what appears to be a real, inhabited
world with horsemen, angelic beings, a city with twelve gates, and
the “pure river of the water of life” (Revelation, 22:1). The
mechanics of judgment and the importance of our deeds are also
described in Revelation. |
After the Biblical period, only sporadic descriptions of the life
beyond were recorded, and these were sometimes separated by
centuries. Among the better known are to be found in the Mohammedan
scriptures, in Dante’s and St. Theresa’s visions, and in the
writings of Emmanuel Swedenborg, Johan Kaspar Lavater and Joseph
Smith. The centuries that passed were apparently necessary for
mankind to ponder, analyze and digest the older revelations. In the
mid-nineteenth century, however, this pattern changed, and the
information process began to accelerate. This change was marked
specially by a worldwide outburst of mediumship with an abundant
flow of spirit messages, and by Allan Kardec’s codification of the
Spiritist Doctrine in France. In the century that followed, more
information concerning the beyond was available to man than in all
past centuries combined. |
Spirit communications have always cause, and are still causing, a
stir. They have been misunderstood and misused at times, but
regardless of man’s reaction to them, they are here for a lofty
purpose and they bear the sanction of both The Old and The New
Testaments. Needless to say, these communications, to be
constructive, must be approached with a responsible and reverent
attitude. |
The Astral City
is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable works contributing to this
new awareness. It stands as one more sign that a new era of
transcendental knowledge is in process, and that the age of veiled
references to the life beyond is receding. Furthermore, it presents
to us a Spirit world of an amazingly realistic |
nature. At times, we tend to be surprised at the quasi-material
aspects of 'The Astral City' colony. After careful consideration,
however, we begin to see the wisdom of God's laws which afford the
spirit a gradual adaptation to a life without the grosser material
body. It has been repeatedly confirmed by reliable messages that the
etherical replicas of the physical world are a common event in the
next plane of existence. Indeed, the similarities of the two worlds
are at times so confusing to the newly departed that the spirit
mistakes them for material life, often ignoring the fact that death
has occurred and that he has lost his physical body. Bearing in mind
these and other basic principles of transition expounded by
The Astral City
we begin to conceive of a hereafter that is within the realm of
Nature; a realm equally ruled by just laws of cause and effect. The
environment André Luiz describes in this book apparently belongs to
the category of an etheric advanced type of Earth life where spirits
dwell while in preparation for higher, more imponderable worlds or
for the return to another experience in the flesh. |
The lay reader may at this point be asking about André Luiz and his
relation to Francisco Cândido Xavier. In most mediumnistic works, at
least two entities are involved: the medium and the communicating
discarnate entity. In the present case, the medium is Xavier and the
spirit author André Luiz, which is a pen name the spirit chose in
order to disguise his former identity on Earth for reasons explained
elsewhere in the book. The only available information about the
identity of this spirit is that he was a fairly well known physician
who lived in the early part of this century in Rio de Janeiro. The
many attempts, motivated by natural human curiosity, to further
identify him have resulted in mere speculations. André Luiz has
transmitted to the medium Xavier, mainly through automatic writing,
other books as relevant and revealing as
The Astral City
most of which were published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation
in Brazil. Several of André Luiz books and many of his individual
messages have also been translated into other languages.
Francisco Cândido Xavier, or
Chico Xavier,
as everybody knows him, is a medium all of Brazil admires and loves.
His stupendous spiritual gifts and great literary success (close to
250 books. Xavier has donated the copyrights of all his works, which
to date have sold in the neighborhood of six million copies) have
not affected his goodness and humility. Soon after his fortieth year
of spiritual and social service, Brazil seemed to awaken to Chico’s
effort and dedication. He was then proclaimed an honorary citizen of
Uberaba, the city where he now lives. This official gesture was
followed by many other cities and towns throughout the country, each
also making him their honorary citizen. His appearances before
panels of intellectual on Brazilian television networks, some
lasting several hours, have earned him national respect for the
wisdom with which he answered, under spiritual guidance, the
controversial questions put to him. |
It is with great satisfaction that we present to the English
speaking reader this highly significant book. We feel sure that
after pondering its contents, our readers will agree with us that
the old saying “no one ever returned to tell” is seriously
challenged by this work and that, through it, greater light is shed
on the words of the Master Jesus: “In my Father’s house are many
mansions” (John, 14:2). |
Prefaces generally introduce authors, extolling their virtues and
enlarging on their personalities. Here, however, the situation is
different. There are no social records for a physician named André
Luiz. |
Often real understanding and true love come to us hidden under the
cloak of anonymity. In order to redeem a disgraceful past in the
process of reincarnation, old names are wiped away and new ones take
their places. All bygone happening sink into temporary oblivion – a
blessing of Divine Mercy. |
In this way, a curtain has been drawn over André Luiz’s former self.
Thus, we cannot introduce an earthly doctor and human writer, but
instead present a new friend and brother in eternity. |
In order to bring his valuable impressions to his earthly
companions, it was necessary for him to forego all conventions,
including the use of his name. He did so to avoid hurting loved ones
still wrapped in the mist of illusion. He acted with the same
generosity as a reaper of corn, who avoids giving offense to those
tilling in the distance and does not trample on the green fields
still in bloom. |
We realize that this book is not the only one of its kind. Others
have already described the conditions of life beyond the grave.
Nevertheless, we are glad to have drawn to our spiritual circles one
who might transmit an account of his own experiences. He gives as
much detail as possible to clarify the laws that preside over the
efforts of diligent Spirits of good will in spheres which are
invisible to human eyes, although intimately connected with the
planet. |
Many will surely smile on reading certain passages in this
narrative. Let me remind you, however, that the unusual has always
caused surprise. |
Who on the Earth did not smile tolerantly upon hearing about
aviation, electricity, or the radio before their development some
decades ago? |
Surprise, perplexity and doubt are common to students who have not
yet gone over their lessons. It is natural and most just. Yet we
would not think of criticizing our neighbor’s point of view,
although we might disagree with it. Every reader must analyze for
himself what he reads. |
We will refer here to the essential aim of this work. The Spiritist
Doctrine is rapidly increasing the number of its adepts. Thousands
of people are taking interest in its work, methods and experiments.
Yet, faced with a world of novelties, man must not neglect his most
important goal – his own spiritual growth. |
It is not sufficient to investigate phenomena, adhere verbally to
any doctrine, collect and improve statistics, exhort the conscience
of others, gain converts or win public approval, however commendable
all this may be on the physical plane. It is essential to acquire
the knowledge about our infinite potential, and to use it in the
service of good. |
Man is not forsaken on Earth. He is a child of God engaged in
constructive work, temporarily clothed in flesh. He is a student in
a meritorious school, where he must learn to raise himself up. The
human struggle is his opportunity, his set of tools, and his
textbook. |
Interchange with the invisible is a sacred movement, functioning to
restore pure Christianity. Let no one neglect his own obligations in
the place he occupies by the Lord’s design. |
André Luiz come to tell us, dear reader, that the greatest surprise
of bodily death is that it places us face-to-face with our own
conscience, where we build our heaven, remain in purgatory, or
plunge ourselves into the infernal abysses.
He reminds us that the Earth is our sacred school which no one could
desecrate without knowing the price of this terrible mistake.
Keep his lessons in the book of your soul. They remind us that it is
not enough for man to cling to his human existence. It is necessary
to know how to use that existence worthy. The steps of a Christian,
whatever his religious affiliation, should move truly towards
Christ. To this end we have great need of Spiritism and
Spiritualism, but most of all spirituality.
Emmanuel*, Pedro Leopoldo, October 3, 1943 |
*Emmanuel is F C Xavier’s spirit guide.
A Message from André Luiz |
Life never ceases. Life is an overflowing source, and death is only
an obscure effect of illusions. |
The great river follows its own course before joining the vast sea.
Likewise, the soul follows equally varied routes and passes through
different stages, receiving here and there tributaries of knowledge,
strengthening its personality and perfecting its qualities before
reaching the Ocean of Eternal Wisdom. |
The closing of our earthly eyes is such a simple event. |
The shedding of the physical body does not solve the fundamental
problems of enlightenment, just as changing ones clothes has nothing
to do with the deep questions of life and destiny. |
Ah, paths of the soul, mysterious ways of the heart! One must walk
their full lengths before facing the supreme equation of Eternal
Life. It is essential for you to live all their conflicts and to
know them fully in the long process of spiritual ascension. |
How childish to imagine that the mere "ringing down of the curtain"
would settle transcendental questions of the Infinite. |
One life is but a single act. |
One task - an experience. |
One triumph - an acquisition. |
One death - a breath of renovation. |
How many lives, how many bodies, how many centuries, how many tasks,
how many triumphs, how many deaths are still allotted to us?
And yet religious philosophers will speak of final decisions and
immutable situations! |
Alas, everywhere we find scholars in doctrine who are spiritual
illiterates! |
It takes great effort for man to enter the School of the Gospel, and
his admission thereto nearly always comes to pass in a strange
manner - he finds himself alone with the Master, struggling through
a difficult course, learning lessons in an invisible classroom, and
attending long lectures of unspoken words. |
Long, very long therefore, is our arduous journey. Here our humble
efforts can bring you only a glimpse of this fundamental truth.
I speak to you as an anonymous friend, in this anonymity which stems
from brotherly love. The great majority of mankind is like a fragile
vessel which cannot yet contain the whole truth. Therefore, we
restrict ourselves here to conveying only the profound experience
itself in its collective values. We will not torment anyone with the
idea of Eternity. Let the vessels first become stronger. Thus we
dedicate this brief record to the eager spirits of our brothers
struggling for their spiritual ascent, who understand, as we do,
that “the wind blows where it wills”.(John, 3:8) |
And now, my friend, let my thanks fall upon this paper, and thence
rise and merge into a great silence of sympathy and gratitude.
Attraction, appreciation, love and joy live in the soul. Be sure
that in the depths of mine I hold these sentiments toward us.
André Luiz.
the fellowing pictures to text is stills taken from
youtube- from a german texted version
Chapter 1
I was under the impression that I had lost all notion of time and
space. |
I was convinced that I no longer belonged to the world of the
living, yet I continued to inhale deep breaths of air. |
Since when had I become the puppet of irresistible forces? I could
not say. I felt like a prisoner, trapped in the dark cage of horror.
With my hair on end, my heart thumping uncontrollably, a prey to
terrible fear, many times I shouted like a raving lunatic. I begged
for mercy and clamored against the bitter despondency which had take
hold of my spirit. But my cries fell only on silence; or were
answered by lamenting voices still more moving than my own. At other
times, sinister roars of laughter rent the stillness, as if some
unknown companion must be close-by me, a prisoner of insanity.
Diabolical forms, ghastly faces, bestial countenances crossed my way
from time to time, increasing my panic. The scenery, when it was not
pitch dark, was bathed in a lurid light, as if shrouded in a thick
fog warmed by the sun’s rays. |

Thus I proceeded on that strange journey. To what end? Who could
say? I only knew that I kept fleeing. Fright drove me on blindly…
Where were my home, my wife and children? I had lost all sense of
direction. The fear of the unknown and my dread of darkness had
annulled all my powers of reasoning from the very moment I had
broken free of my physical body in the grave. |
My conscience tormented me. I would have preferred the total absence
of reason, or non-existence. Copious tears ran constantly down my
cheeks, and only rarely was I blessed with a few minutes of sleep.
What rest I had was often interrupted as monstrous beings awoke me
and mocked me, and I was obliged to go on fleeing. |
I saw now that I was on a different plane of life, which rose from
the emanations of the Earth. But it was too late. Anguish weighed
heavily on my mind, and when I started making plans for
action, numerous incidents would lead me on to bewildering avenues
of thought. |
Never had the religious question loomed so large before my eyes.
Principles, purely political, philosophical and scientific, now
seemed to me of secondary importance to human life. Although they
were valuable acquisitions on Earth, I had to admit that mankind was
not made of transitory generations, but of immortal Spirits on their
ascension to a glorious destination. I was beginning to realize the
existence of one thing that stands above all that is material or
intellectual: Faith – a divine manifestation to man. Such an
analysis, however, came too late. It is true that I was familiar
with the Old Testament and had often read through the Gospels. But I
was forced to recognize that I had never searched the sacred
writings with the light of my heart. I had embraced the
interpretation of writers who were not inclined to sentiments and
conscience, an who were, at times, even in open disagreement with
the fundamental truths. On other occasions, I had taken an
ecclesiastical point of view, entering voluntarily into a circle of
contradictions. |
In truth, I did not believe that I was a criminal in my life, though
my philosophy of living for the immediate present had absorbed me
fully. My earthly life, now transformed by death, had been no
different from the life of so many others. |
(picture- reminding his family-life) |

Born of perhaps excessively generous parents, I had graduated from
the University without much effort, and shared the dissipation and
vices of the youth of my time. Later, when I married and started a
family, I was blessed with children, gained a stable and lucrative
position, and was spared all financial worries. Yet on
self-examination I feel deeply that I had wasted time and I now hear
the silent pangs of my conscience. I had lived on Earth, enjoyed its
benefits, reaped the good things of life, and yet never contributed
anything towards the repayment of my heavy debt. I had completely
ignored my parent’s generosity and sacrifices, just as I had ignored
those of my wife and children. I had selfishly kept my family only
to myself. |
I had been given a happy home, and had closed my doors to
those seeking help. I had delighted in the joys of my family circle,
yet never shared that precious gift with my greater human family. I
had neglected to undertake even the most elementary duties of
fraternal solidarity. |
Now that my life was over I was like a hothouse plant, unable to
withstand the weather of eternal realities. I had not cultivated the
divine seeds the Father of Life had sown in my soul. They were
choked by the weeds of my insatiable desire for comfort and
enjoyment. I had not trained my faculties for this new life. It
was only right, then, that I should enter it like a cripple, thrown
into the infinite river of eternity, unable to swim, or like a
wretched beggar at the end of his strength, wandering about in the
middle of a stormy desert. |
Oh, dear friends on Earth! How many of you may still avoid the
bitter road of sorrow by cultivating the inner fields of your heart.
Light up your lamp before crossing the threshold of the shadows.
Search for Truth, lest the truth find you unprepared. Sweat and toil
now, lest you weep afterwards. |

Suicidal criminal! Infamous wretch! I heard insults from all
directions. But where were they coming from? At times I caught
glimpses of them as they slipped in and out of the darkness. Through
my despair, mustering all my strength, I threw myself against them.
In vain I beat the air in my show of rage. I heard laughter as they
vanished again into the shadows. |
Whom could I turn to for help? I was tortured by hunger and parched
with thirst. The demands of my physical existence on Earth
continued here: my beard kept growing, my garments were beginning to
show the signs of my struggles. Yet the most painful part of my
trial was not the pitiful abandon in which I found myself, but
the incessant attacks of the evil forces which surrounded me in the
darkness. I was unnerved and utterly unable to coordinate my
situation, to weigh its causes and establish new currents of
thought. But those accusing voices bewildered me beyond my
imagination. |
“What are you seeking, you miserable fool? Where are you going,
suicidal wretch?” Such accusations, ceaselessly repeated, threw my
mind into absolute confusion. I might well be miserable, but
suicidal? Never! Those charges were wrong, as far as I could see. I
had left my body most unwillingly, after a desperate struggle with
death. I could still hear the last medical diagnosis at the
hospital. I remembered clearly the efficient care and the painful
dressings during those weary days that followed my intestinal
operation. The recollection of the closing scenes of my earthly days
was so vivid that I could even feel the touch of the thermometer and
the disagreeable prick of the hypodermic needle. |

Finally, my last recollection before my great sleep: my wife, still
young, and my three children gazing at me in anguish at the prospect
of eternal separation. Then, afterwards, my awakening to dreary and
damp surroundings, to a never-ending nightmare flight. |
Why was I being accused of suicide when I had been forced to give up
my hope, my family and all that I held dear? |
Even the strongest man must come to the end of his emotional powers
of resistance. So it was with me. Firm and resolute at the start, I
gradually began to fall into long lapses of depression, and in my
total ignorance of the fate in store for me, my usual fortitude
yielded to despondency. More and more frequently tears welled in my
eyes, long pent-up in heavy heart. |
To whom could I appeal? With all of the sophisticated intellectual
culture I had brought from the world, I could do nothing to alter my
present situation. Before the Infinite, my knowledge was like a tiny
soap bubble, blown about by the impetuous winds of the
transformation. Surely I was not out of my senses! I did not feel
different. I felt that my conscience was alert and that I was
essentially the same man with the same feelings and culture as
before. My physiological needs continued unchanged. A gnawing hunger
preyed on my every fiber; yet in my ever-increasing weakness I never
reached the point of complete exhaustion. Now and then I came across
some wild herbs growing along mere trickles of water.

I devoured the unfamiliar leaves and drank the water avidly. I could
stop only a few seconds at a time, for those irresistible forces
were ever spurring me on. Oftentimes I tasted the mud by the
roadside, recalling with burning tears the daily bread of olden
days. Frequently I was obliged to hide from enormous herds of
monstrous beings which trampled past me like a band of insatiable
beasts. Those were blood-curdling sights! When my despair had almost
reached its climax, it began to dawn on me that somewhere a Creator
of Life must exist. The thought seemed to comfort me. I, who in the
world had hated all religious creeds, was now feeling the need for
spiritual consolation. As a physician who prided himself on his
ultra-modern principles of skepticism, so much in vogue in my time,
I had to admit I was a perfect
failure. Gone was all the self-importance which had seemed so real
to my eyes. I saw now that I had to change my mental attitude. |
When at last I came to the end of my strength and lay helpless in
the mire, unable to rise, I implored that Creator of All Things to
take pity on me and come to my aid in my desperable plight.
How long did my pleading
last? How may hours did I spend praying
like a frightened child? It was impossible to say. I only knew that
copious tears ran down my cheeks and my whole being seemed to merge
into one anguished plea. Had I been utterly abandoned? Was I not
also a child of God, although in the whirl of earthly vanities I had
never given a thought to His divine works? I knew the Eternal Father
would surely forgive me. Did He not extend His loving care to the
birds of the air and flowers of the field? |
Ah, one must suffer a great deal in order to understand the
mysterious beauty of prayer. One must know remorse, humiliation and
utter misery to fully appreciate the sublime sweetness of Hope! It
was at that moment that the dense mist all around cleared away, and
a person came forward. An envoy from Heaven! He was a fatherly old
man, who bent over me and gazed intently into my face with his
large, clear eyes. With a benevolent smile he said to me:
“Courage, my son! The Lord has not forsaken you.” Heart-felt tears
seemed to flood my very soul. I tried to express my grateful relief,
to thank him for the consolation he had brought, yet I only had the
strength to ask: “Who are you, generous messenger of God ?”
My unexpected benefactor smiled kindly and replied: “My name is
Clarence. I am only a brother.” |
And, noticing my exhaustion, he added: “You must keep quiet and
calm. It is necessary for you to rest to restore your strength.”
Then we called two persons who were waiting attentively, and
ordered: “Let us provide our friend with first aid.” |
They spread a white sheet on the ground and, using it as an
emergency stretcher, prepared to transport me. They lifted me
gently. Then Clarence spoke to his assistants: “Let us start without
delay. I must reach the Astral City as soon as possible.”
clip from the film
text; the spiritual helpers came as a result of his own will/prayer,
and brought him to a higher level, away from the hell-zone, where
all stay as long as "they want" = it means as long as they hate,
condemn and are destructive in their thoughts, and not wish to get
out of that thought-climate. |
part 2 link |
pdf of the
whole book without pictures | mainpage - more on the medium
who took this book "down" from those higher levels |