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of the swede Håkan Blomqvist )*; om saken på svensk | det svenska i ljud mp3 fil reciterar/uppläsar ummo audiobooks mp3 |
Richard Höglund( 1913-1977) ufocontacts | boken har ISBN 978-91-85044-08-5 fra PARTHENON FORLAG 2009 Paper, ISBN 978-91-85044-08-5 fra PARTHENON PUBLISHING 2009
audio- click the ill.above (alt link ) |
more on ufo-healings
| (Or the so-called "helge"case) | 'Ufo-healing' seen on many astral-travels to pleiadian mothership in the 90ths. |
The above-picture shows the situation on the ice with Mr.Hoglund and the visitors - where they alleged healed his kidneys and the "ufowomen" playing with his dog.
map where the contact alleged happend www.jerkert.se/jesper/halvanalyserat.pdf www.jerkert.se / jesper / halvanalyserat.pdf Håkan Blomqvist's book "Främlingar på vår jord" has the subtitle ”ufo kontakter i Sverige” (Strangers on earth) This subtitle is ambitious, given that about three quarters of the book is about contacts made of, or related to, a particular person, the so-called "helge"case. The rest of the book-space is occupied by relatively short anecdotes, many of whom do not have a Swedish connection. I doubt that the book, overall provides a good overview of ufo contacts in Sweden.
The socalled "helge"- caseThe protagonist in the "helge"case, is not "Helge", but has only been called so in the newspapers. His real name was Richard Hoglund (Höglund) - (1913-1977). By profession he was a construction worker/rock-blaster. Hoglund claimed to have seen aliens first time in December 1965, when he faced aliens who landed a craft on the "Grind Hult" lake near the town Uddevalla at the south-west coast of Sweden. Hoglund said that he again met the spacepeople in August 1966, when he also got a metal tray with hieroglyf signs from them. Transcripts of the characters are still there. The signs are some similar to those the renowned American George Adamski published. The Space people gave, at the meeting in 1966, Hoglund order to go to the Bahamas. In March 1967 he and his wife moved there. Hoglund awaited further orders from the space people, but nothing happened and a few months later he moved back to Sweden. They were interacting with some others who claimed to have had contacts. Hoglund said they had contact with space people later, - then ordered by a Catholic priest called Father Rapas. A new residence in the Bahamas followed. Hoglund tried to build an organization based on the spacemens alleged message, but without success. Back home in Sweden he made some trips whose destinations he kept secret to his wife and friends. Some appears to have gone to more southern places. He alleged that some trips happened in the space people's crafts. At a third stay in the Bahamas was Hoglund work as waiters for a 'Mr. Chesler', who was involved in financial crimes. Hoglund said they now saw the space people regularly, and he stated that representatives of other countries also had contact with those in the Bahamas. His wife was not present at those meetings with the space people. At one point, she, however, did join in a meeting. She told me afterwards that the spaceman looked like an ordinary person. (On the same way as the main contact "out there" to the swede Ante Jonsson - where she was named JENNY ) From 1969 the couple Hoglunds lived back in Sweden, namely in Ösmo south of Stockholm. The Space People came to visit sometimes. The wife could only see them from afar. They looked like normal people. *** ***
excerpts from the book google-translated; "Thursday, December 9, 1965 is a cold day in Uddevalla - minus four degrees. In fact, this fall is one of the coldest that southern Sweden had throughout the 1900's. The day before, the temperature dropped to as much as 16 degrees below zero. At Skandia Way 2A, is Richard Hoglund at home, because of a sicknes out of kidney stones and a bad knee. He worries that it might lead to surgery. Wife Gunvor is at work. Richard feels restless, so he decides to take a trip with the car and the dog "Lizzi", a Pointer. It has snowed a lot, so he had to dig out the car, a newly purchased Ford Corsair. (picture of similar;)
He travels to the Grind Hult lake, located about 8 km east of Uddevalla on the road to Vänersborg. Richard parks the car and walk with the dog out on the ice-covered lake. Suddenly Lizzi run around like crazy in circles so that he eventually has to quiet her. Soon afterwards he heard a whining sound that is reminiscent of when artillery pieces fly through the air. The first thought that runs through Richard's head, is that it might come from a unit near where they are shooting sometimes.
When he turns his head upward, he noticed a circular craft, about five meters in diameter and three meters high. It is semi-transparent and a glimpse inside is of four creatures. The actual craft seems to consist of two shells, of which the outer is rotating. It is very spartan furnishinged. The only thing Richard can perceive is three half-meter-high, glowing coil springs that are placed side by side under the floor of the craft. Now Richard wonder if it can possibly be Russian cosmonauts who are trying to make an emergency landing.
The craft descends slowly in a spiral shape and stops before it reaches the ice. Something resembling a black tube about one meter in diameter are precipitated at the bottom. It is obviously of soft material. Richard feels the currents of hot air from the tube, air with a clear scent of hyacinth, as he perceives it. From a tube floats one of the creatures down, feet first, as in an invisible elevator and stops a short distance above the ice - in the air!!!
Shortly thereafter, the rest of the crew fellow. Richard had the perception that there are two young boys, a young girl and an elderly man. But when they come closer, it is clear to him that this is not ordinary people.
The creatures are wholly embedded in clothing similar to plastic covers, fully transparent and they are totally naked. They do not go directly on the ice - but walking forward a few inches above the ice as on an invisible layer. The creatures are of medium height and similar to humans but they are completely hairless. They lack hair on the head, eyebrows and genitals.
They have the same kind of genitalia as ordinary people, and Richard could see that one testicle hangs a little lower on one of the men. The skin is smooth without the slightest blemish. Likewise, they have perfect teeth. They have a straight nose and eyes are large, dark and a bit crooked.
But the strangest thing is that the ears are pointy at the top and ear canal enlarged. Richard perception is as looking into the ear canal of a cat. On the left wrist all have a wide, black bracelet with a yellow button that they touch every now and then. They walk toward Richard. He knows no fear, is just very curious on what this might be. Somehow they exudes a feeling of warmth and friendship. The older man begins to converse through sign language and they exchange questions and answers that way. The creatures are very amazed that Richard has hair on his head. He takes off his cap several times to show them hair. Then they laugh and point and obviously think that it is all very amusing. Richard tries to go forward to the creatures and touch, and get a feeling on their costumes. But they escape back and will not be touched. He also remark that when they touch something, they first spray a on substance, which smells of hyacinth from a black box the size of a cigarette packet. So they also do before they touch the dog. One of the young men point to a HARE'S TRACK and wonder what it is. Richard tries his best to describe it; an animal that jumps on the ground. He shows signs of how to hunt hare, shooting and skinning it to finally boil or roast it. Then the girl just appalled and asked if he do so with the dog. She is happy to hear when Richard explains that dogs are not to be eaten. The girl bends down and play with the dog Lizzie. It is normally quite aggressive towards strangers but it is now quite mad with joy, rolling in the snow, put on his back and let themselves play.
The girl is staying all the time with the dog. Richard noticed that when the girl bends down - she leans his knee against what appears to be an invisible layer. She never really touches the ground.
Richard had the impression that the older man and the girl had been here before because the man explains, in turn, to the young man how to go hunting. He also shows the sign that he knows pygméa and their blowpipe and others who shoot with bow and arrow or spear There is a similarity between the older man and the girl. A crease in the corner of his mouth that makes Richard thinking about whether it can be a father and daughter.
Richard shows that he has pain in the kidney. Then the old man goes back to the spacecraft and float up in the same way as he came down. He returns shortly and then with a cylindrical object that resembles a microphone, about three centimeters in diameter. The man stands behind Richard and bows his head a bit. Then he puts his knee on his back and let the instrument slide down along the spine. That moment Richard feels a force through as rays and kidney pains disappear.
The other creatures follow the doings, apparently without much interest. They communicate with each other, but Richard is not understanding. After the "treatment" the older man put up his hands, fists and open them again to make the number twelve, and as he points upward. Then he illustrates that it could come and be benefit of whole armadas of ships to land on earth. Richard believes that there may be mean they will come again in twelve years. He wonders whether they intend to invade us. Then the creatures make up a circle around Richard and join hands to show they have friendly intentions.
Richard himself trying to describe how we live in our communities. How we work all week for that on Saturday to replace work clothes and going to a restaurant and dance. He tries to describe the different instruments, but it seems the creatures do not understand. But when Richard describes how he dances with a girl and then kissed her, raises the great amusement of the girl. She laughs so hard tears run along her cheeks, while the young men soon appear embarrassed.
Richard also shows how time passes. We get older and bent. He takes the heart to describe our last moment. Yet he learns the feeling that they do not really understand aging and time.
Richard tries to question where they come from but get no clear answer. Just that their planet is covered by vast oceans, and that there are fish - like on earth. Snow is also in their world. When he asks if he can go on a ride in the craft, the figures clearly indicate: that it is not possible. It has nothing to do with "disinfection", "spray" as they spray on everything before they get in there.
Communication going on just over an hour and when it starts to obscure in the afternoon - then he see that the craft is surrounded by a blue, phosphorescent glow. The four living creatures return to the spacecraft and float up into the black cylinder. When the craft lifts shifts light from blue to orange. It then disappears into the sky with an enormous speed.
It takes a few days before Richard dare tell his wife about the incident. In the interview with wife Gunvor Hoglund that Gosta Johansson and I (Hakan Blomqvist) did in his country house in Ösmo June 1, 1984, "says Gunvor.
Gösta: "When was the first time you noticed that he felt something?"
Gunvor: "Richard spoke about it just days after he experienced that by the Hult Sea."
Gösta: "How did you do?" Gunvor: "I was sitting just dumb. I thought about him, for Richard never lied to me ... how they looked like acc.to the drawing in the book
**** **** Short excerpts from p.28 (autotranslated from Swedish) "But the contacts would continue. The alien creatures were soon reminded again. In late August 1966, Richard at ......land, just north of Uddevalla. On the night of Wednesday, August 24, 1966 he sleeps restlessly and wake up at halfpast 2 at night. He goes up and makes will dress up to go home. But he feels a compulsion to return to the lake where he had previously met with the creatures. You can not resist the impulse and Richard find it almost as if someone else drives the car. He goes to the same place at the HultLake and park at the beach. When he goes down to the water, he sees a craft hovering over the lake, a short distance from shore. A man stands next to the craft in the air above the water, as if he was weightless. Richard understands that the man wants him to come out to the spacecraft. After some searching, he finds an old gist row boat and rows out. It blows pretty fresh and Richard must go through a reedbed but eventually reaches forward.
This time the saucer was a little smaller in size. Inside the craft Richard sees the older man from the first contact. But the man who stands in the air, - is not seen before. He is strong, "a real strongman" and have almost no neck. The man outside the craft begins to speak Swedish with Richard, but the sound is not synchronized with lip movements, but will be heard for a while afterwards - from the craft.
. The man explains that the Soviet Union and the United States is planning to launch a war against China and they need his help in a peace initiative. In a mission which means that he must leave for the Bahamas. He also receives a metal tray with hieroglyphic signs. A checker asked to always carry.
But Richard beats down and explains that he is an ordinary worker with wife and business and also can not speak English. How can he do anything for peace. But the man in the air still going on talking about it. They say goodbye and Richard rowing back to shore. The craft takes off and Richard walk towards the car. He feels puzzled by it all and bury the washer in the woods before he go back home to Uddevalla. For his wife he says nothing of what happened. A few days after the incident, Richard calls Gosta Johansson in Stockholm and explains what happened and that he had a metal tray of the ETs.
"I felt like a prophet when I got it there," he explains for Gosta. Despite doubts to go to the Bahamas, he decides so- the challenge. For Gosta he says: "I sacrifice myself now. I think I owe them for it they have healed me."
*** That talk on the Soviet Union and the U.S. planned to start a war with China is interesting. In his book The Ends of Power "revealing Richard Nixon's chief of staff HR Haldeman that the United States in 1969 had several inquiries from the Soviet Union to jointly try to switch out of China nuces with a" surgical attacks ".
Apparently, the Russians had been concerned for some time that China could develop nuclear weapons and becoming a military threat to the Soviet Union. It was very close to the Russians attacked, but the whole thing could be averted at the last minute.
It took some time before Richard dared to tell his wife that he had met the aliens again and been ordered to go to the Bahamas. The news was not exactly welcome, "says Gunvor Hoglund. Gösta: Gösta: "When it came to the Bahamas, how did you feel then?"
Gunvor: "In the fall (1966-HB), he started talking about the Bahamas. No, I said. I never leave my home we have built up. Yes, but I'm going there, he said. You're crazy, I said - and Lizzi then? We can not just get rid of her. Yes, but I must go there. When I go alone, "he said. I have orders to go so I'm going to leave. But I thought, god I dare not drop him alone. I was frightened. " In the winter of 1966-1967 the couple sold their house and bet the most of what they took to the Bahamas. They were forced to kill the dog Lissi because they did not know how long the trip would be. "It is only he (the dog-HB) and I - who have seen these beings. It's almost murder but I have to do it," lamented Richard for Gosta Johansson.
On 5 March 1967 they left to Little Exuma, one of the Bahamas Islands. In Richard Hoglund's personal file which when I checked the task was at the parish office in Ösmo says: "Absent from 670,301th Must travel abroad for one year."
(end excerpt translated)
** **
The strange story of what became several trips to the Bahamas, can be red
in the book, which by February 2011 costs ca 150 Sv.kr.
or listen to an interview on the case on this link in mp3 part1 part2 (alt link 1)
Håkan Blomqvist has made a detailed study of this entire matter, and
managed to map out much of what Richard Höglund experienced in the
Bahamas, from a very critical / skeptical viewpoint.
http://galactic.no/rune/ufoundersea_ante.htm svedish-no: http://galactic.no/rune/ante-ufo.html
**** As for example, can be read on swedish on: www.jerkert.se / jesper / halvanalyserat.pdf |
)* Håkan Blomqvist: he is one of the few in 'ufo-sweden' not trying to explain away all observations and who dare to write about contact examples, and possibly understands the phenomenon's multidimensional aspect. And thus are not "looking for the tv programs INSIDE in TV receiver" - as most of the spiritually ignorant ufo-researchers do, who are not able to conceive the BIGGER WORDPICTURE, and what existence/ perception really IS!!
more/ another article on this contact most below/down ↓
more ufo-info;
The underwater-UFO-BASE visit by the Swedish “henry” – his UFO experience from
the Canary Islands.
a remarkable ufocontact in England in 1963
some from this book:
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