Ufohealing in the Andes-mountains in the 60ths
This extract is from the book of Victor Kapetanovic from northern Peru, who worked as an Electrical Engineer in the Central Hydroelectric Plant at Huallanca (picture up left) on the banks of the Santa River in the beautiful Callejon de Huaylas. There he was withness to ufos at many cases, as well as how the people onboard - the "pilots" was in regular contact with the local indians. Some time he was withness to how those ufo-people - as the locals called "gods" - came and healed the sick of them. This happend on the march10,1960 he tell in his book, when he and a local was out in the mountains hunting, and they came to a hut with the local shepherds:
"Then let’s us go where they are." I said and we went. Soon we arrived at the
hut. Two dogs came out to meet us. One of the shepherds got up, calmed the dogs and came up to us. I greeted him, and he extended his hand without speaking."This one does not understand Spanish. Speaks only Quechua, no more,"
Quispe (his friend and coo-hunter) hurriedly communicated to me."Tell him we are hunting Pumas, and for that we have come to ask so that
they may orient us, as we have heard said that in this region they are killing cattle."The campesino understood some of my words and he showed some
happiness. He spoke to Quispe in Quechua and extended his hand enthusiastically. The sudden change of manner of the campesino made me understand that the Pumas had caused damage, and that our offer was accepted. This was a positive way to achieve communication.The campesino invited us to come closer to the fire and sit down with them.
There were three women, several men and two children who hid behind their
mothers, like they were afraid of us. This made me uncomfortable and I pondered how to solve this inconvenience. Then I remembered that I had some caramels in my pocket, and I withdrew two and offered them to the little ones.The man who received us spoke to the children, but they did not respond.
One of the women took the caramels and offered them to the little ones. She
thanked me. Suddenly she furrowed her brow and looked sad, and a tear rose on her face tanned by the cold of the Andes. This worried me and I urged Quispe to ask about the reason for the sadness. One of the men, understanding my worry, came over to my side and in a lowered voice, said:"Sir, thank you for the pain that you feel. She is crying because she has a
sick child. Some nine days ago this boy went to the mountain, climbed a rock, lost his balance and fell, breaking his right arm and some ribs."The man spoke in very poorly pronounced Spanish, but I understood and he
asked if he could take me to see the boy. I accepted, and without consulting the woman he invited me into the cabin. We entered, the campesino, Quispe and I.The scene, unfortunately, horrified me. On the floor, on a pallet of hay, covered
with a wool blanket made by hand, lay the child. His swollen face had taken on a bluish color by the infections; his eyes half closed, his mouth half open, and with his tongue and lips swollen, looked terrible. The campesino pulled me to the boy’s side and I touched the part of his wrist to feel the pulse. I became still more alarmed.Not knowing whether for my desperation, little experience, of for some other
phenomena unknown to me, I felt no heartbeat in the arteries. I deduced from this that the little one had entered a state of coma.Despite the hospital in Huallanca being many kilometers from that place, I
decided to try to take the child, as soon as possible, to the doctors for treatment.I mentioned this to Quispe, and asked him to explain to the mother, our offer.
Meanwhile, as I planned how to undertake the transfer of the patient to the
hospital, the campesino advised the mother of the little one about my determination. This then infuriated her. She came into the house desperately determined and shouted at Quispe, threatening him with her finger; and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me outside with inexplicable force.She fell to the ground. I stood there stunned, and thought that my intention had offended some custom of those people. I felt fear; perhaps she would attack me. I reflected, and called to Quispe that we should leave that place. With this the mother of the boy came out of the house again, came to my side and began to shout and
gesticulate, and putting her hands on my face. The only words that I can remember, without knowing their significance were:"Maman! Taita!…. Manan! Taita Dios…"
Quispe came over to me and said:
"Do not fear, sir, the mother of the child says that the Gods from the sky will
come and cure her son, and that we should leave him alone."This calmed my nerves a little and I believed that she meant that some witch
would come and cure her boy, utilizing fire and smoke and incantations, etc."Shall we wait and meet the Gods?" Quispe asked, and waited for my
decision.Yes sir, please, you are going to see something very interesting, I assure
you, and what you see you will like." He suggested with enthusiasm."Very well, Quispe, we will wait for the presence of the ‘Gods’," I said with an
expression of lightly joking.A dog came up to me with his ears down and wagging his tail in a signal of
friendship. I petted it, and it licked my hand. We became friends. Following the dog a little boy came and sat by my side. He spoke with emotion in Quechua, which I did not understand, but it seemed to me that he was saying something about his dog. I tried to initiate a conversation with the little one. Despite our not knowing each other, the purity of the little child originated a sincere desire for friendship."This is the only time in the life of us humans in which we react with
uncorrupted sentiments." I thought at that instant. I caressed the child and the dog, and called to Quispe to help me with interpretation. Very soon we were approached by another child and we began to talk about the rain, the wind, the trees, sky and Moon.Meanwhile several minutes had passed without my awareness. The sky
clouded over and the overcast became big dark storm clouds. Despite my not understanding the language of the children, nor them mine, the conversation developed in perfect harmony. They spoke of the fields, the birds, animals and flowers, and I explained to them for what purpose served the carbine, how to handle it and its construction. One of them looked at me seriously and said:"My friend, why do they kill animals? Is it by the order of the owner?"
While I concentrated on forming an adequate response that could explain to
the child the reason for taking the life of a being to eat its flesh, the dogs barked and ran to the other end of the pampa where the cattle were pastured.Quispe grabbed me by the shoulder brusquely.
"Look there, sir!" he shouted in desperation, and I turned my head in the
direction indicated and saw that an apparatus similar to a small airplane was descending vertically from the clouds. It landed among the goats and sheep without making any sound. It was of a color different from the flying discs I had seen before. I thought of some military maneuvers and waited the disembarkation of some soldiers to talk to them.Soon, from the interior of the ship came one of those strangers. He was
dressed the body suit with which I was familiar, but its cut was different from what I had seen before. This one had shoulders like our own, with a pronounced hip, and was of smaller stature. It came toward us without stepping on the grass, moving in the air some centimeters above the ground!"Why do you ‘walk’ in that manner?" Asked Quispe, confused.
"It is said so as not to damage the cells of the meadow grass by stepping on
them." Responded the being in a serious tone and smiling.The dogs ran to the stranger and it petted them. The cattle remained
contented, as if they were already familiar with the stranger.While the stranger came toward us, I noticed that Quispe and all the
campesinos were kneeling with their palms together in front of their faces, which were inclined toward the ground. It seemed like a religious ceremony. That surprised me, but also clarified the unknown statement about the arrival of the "Gods" which the mother of the boy had told me one hour earlier.
Soon I noticed that the visitor was of the white race, and this confirmed my suspicions that they must be spies. Upon observing with more attention I came to understand that the visitor was a woman, because I could see the rise of her breasts.
She made a signal for the campesinos to get up, and they obeyed without delay. The visitor went toward the house without speaking to anybody, entered, and then came out carrying the child in her arms. She took him to the ship without delay. All present remained there in silence, but on the faces of those shepherds I noted an expression of joy.
"What is happening?" I asked Quispe in a low voice, and interrupting the silence of the moment. He did not answer. This augmented still more my uneasiness, and I momentarily thought that my companion had united with the casmpesions to cause me some harm. Fortunately, I carried my carbine, and I released the safety and remained alert. The minutes passed in the silence that dominated the place. Only the dogs moved around me, and a sheep baud suddenly. These were the only manifestations that broke the silence and tension.
For a moment I thought that those strangers had in their ship, surgical rooms and other necessary resources to treat the sick and injured, and that they brought them to attract the innocent campesinos, presenting themselves as Gods.
While I waited for the unknown to return the boy bandaged and unconscious, before my very eyes appeared a scene unbelievable, illogical and singular.
Suddenly I saw that the boy descended alone from the ladder of the ship, and upon touching the ground ran towards us, reaching down to pick up a stone, and thus showing his perfect state of health.
For having seen him when he was swollen, I did not recognize him now and thought that he must be another boy, a member of the crew, perhaps. Then I waited for the reaction of the mother of the child. The little boy had not covered half the distance from the ship to us, when his mother ran toward him shouting in emotion. All present embraced and gave shouts of joy.
Quispe, with the dogs also, ran toward the mother of the boy with jumps of joy. When all returned to calmness, I asked the mother to let me examine the boy. Quispe acted as interpreter and the woman accepted. I approached the little one, now with his face smiling and of natural color, with the swelling gone and looking perfectly healthy. I touched his arm, before badly fractured, and began to examine him rib by rib.
Despite those cases having altered my tranquility, I tried to look as serene as possible, to observe what I was examining. Who knows how they effected this cure, but I could find no evidence of surgery on his arm. The boy showed no abnormality in his body as shown by his smile, his agility and the urgency of his mother to give him something to eat.
While I was examining the resuscitated patient, which surprised me about what had just happened, the strange nurse, with a companion, was among us.
They smiled and with a look expressing respect and friendship, tried to explain to the campesinos, that those benefits achieved must be memorized in order to imitate them when necessary… and for this they asked no thank you, no payments, no praise or flattery.
They spoke in what seemed to me to be Quechua, because once in a while they laughed with the campesinos until they teared but soon I also heard the conversation in my own mother language, as if some device was translating the words, simultaneously, into the various languages. I spoke to Quispe about this,.
"Do you understand what they are saying?" I asked.
"Yes, I clearly understand." He responded.
"In what language are they speaking? I don’t hear them well?" I asked Quispe again, to assure myself that they were truly speaking what I perceived.
"They speak in their own language and also in all the others at the same time." He responded with a gesture of affirmation.
similar in the book THE SKYPEOPLE
'Ufo- healing' seen on many astral-travels to pleiadian mothership in the 90ths.
Lobsang Rampa-page - spiritual knowledge
Sky People, Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica is the result of a vow made by Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke as a teenager to follow in the footsteps of two 19th-century explorers, John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, who brought the ancient Maya cities to the world's attention. Dr. Clarke set out on a seven-year adventure (from 2003 through 2010) through Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, collecting stories of encounters, sky gods, giants, little people, and aliens among the indigenous people. She drove more than 12,000 miles, visiting 89 archaeological sites (Stephens and Catherwood visited only 44) and conducting nearly 100 individual interviews.
The result is an enthralling series of unique, original, true stories of encounters with space travelers, giants, little people, and UFOs. Sky People may very well change the way you perceive and experience the world.
Title Page
Table of Contents
Authors Note
PART I - Walking with the Ancients: Exploring Belize
Chapter 1 - The Backward Walking People
Chapter 2 - The Double on Another Planet
Chapter 3 - A Disk in the Sky
Chapter 4 - Men Who walked through Mountains
Chapter 5 - An Endangered Species
Chapter 6 - The Insect Man
Chapter 7 - The Stone Woman of Belize
PART II - Walking with the Ancients: Exploring Honduras
Chapter 8 - A Hole through the Heart
Chapter 9 - The Silver Man from the Stars
Chapter 10 - An Encounter with the Old Ones
PART III -Walking with the Ancients: Exploring Guatemala
Chapter 11 -The Devil Sent Them
Chapter 12 - We Knew our Way around the Universe
Chapter 13 - An Alien Hitchhiker
Chapter 14 - The Sky Men of Quiriguá
Chapter 15 - We had our own Gods
Chapter 16 - Aliens with Red Eyes
Chapter 17 - They are poison
Chapter 18 - The Red-Eyed Reptilian
Chapter 19 - The Shining People of the Red Hand
Chapter 20 - They told me I would not Remember
Chapter 21 - A City that Touches the Sky
Chapter 22 - The K'iche Village Women tell their Story
Chapter 23 - The Star Men of the Guatemalan Jungle
PART IV - Walking with the Ancients - Exploring Mexico
Chapter 24 - In the Land of the Tuhohani
Chapter 25 - Sky Gods in the Heart of the Chiapas
Chapter 26 - Our Elders were Friends with the Wise Men
Chapter 27 - The Place of the Gods
Chapter 28 - He Came on a Beam of Light
Chapter 29 - No one believes the Truth
Chapter 30 - On My Way to Heaven
Chapter 31 - The Dog that no longer Barks
Chapter 32 - An Astronaut named Pakal
Chapter 33 - The Secrets of Palenque
Chapter 34 - They Walk among Us
Chapter 35 - The Space Traveling Maya
Chapter 36 - They live under the Sea
Chapter 37 - I heard they only take Humans
Chapter 38 - The Sky People of Calakmul
Chapter 39 - They come for Something
Chapter 40 - A Missing Brother and a UFO
Chapter 41 - The Aluxes are Aliens
Chapter 42 - The Great Mystery
Chapter 43 - The Healers
Chapter 44 - They avoid Tourists
Chapter 45 - Viva Mexico
Chapter 46 - The Sky Gods Cried Too
Chapter 47 - The Little People of El Rey