this is audio files made from the text written interview of an alleged pleiadian contactperson, named adrian, who says he is a walk-in. this interview is from spring 1996. the ADRIAN INTERVIEW. NOTE: When Adrain arrived for the interview, he had lost his contact notes. They had either been misplaced or stolen, and this greatly perturbed him. From what I have read of his writings, he is very eloquent and profound. This interview, and the transcription of it, will help him greatly in the future because of the loss of these notes. He speaks English with a heavy Spanish accent, and some of this transcript may be hard to understand because of his unique manner of speaking and inflection. I have tried to clean it up where I can, and once you get into the rhythm of the piece you should have no problems. it is also an INTERVIEW-video, which is linked from the file, Part 1. May 8, 1996. text to photo. A type 3 variation beamship taken by Adrain in 1994 on the golf course adjacent to his condo in Miami. It is capable of both interstellar flight and time travel. The Pleiadian's open their invisibility screens just enough to be photographed and remain cloaked to all other observers. It is starttling that these are the same ships filmed by Billy Meier in Switzerland 20 years ago. Sean: So, with the loss of your contact notes, you are probably going to have to pretty much start all over from the beginning today. Adrain: Yes, I suppose I should. Sean: Because the things that we are going over are very important, they have every thing to do with what is happening on our little earth. Tell me about the pendant you are wearing. The pendant appears to be a large yellow faceted sapphire about the size of a small egg. Adrain: What do you think of it, eh? Sean: I think it is beautiful. It looks like a yellow sapphire. Adrain: Actually it is a citren. It is a thing I wanted but I did not know exactly how it would come about. I needed a jewel that would perform certain functions. Laughs Looks like you have one too! He points at the medallion around my neck. Sean: It is called a nuclear receptor. Adrain: That is interesting. That comes from Fred Bell, yes? Sean: Yes. Dr. Fred Bell. He sends his regards by the way. He is also a UFO contactee. Adrain: Holding up his pendant I wanted something that I could work with for certain reasons, certain personal things, and so I just sent out the thought. Then the Pleiadians came in and said they were going to give me something. In this case it was from someone else. A friend of mine called and said, I have this beautiful thing for you! When I saw it I freaked out! Because it was exactly what I wanted, the shape and every-thing. So they used her as a mediator, you know? Sean: Does it have any particularly unique powers of abilities, or is it just nice? Adrain: It seems just nice, but it is used to reflect back negativity. Anything as far as thoughts from people or actions or whatever, it will be reflected right back at them. Sean: So you were born originally in Cuba? Adrain: Havana, Cuba, yes. Sean: When s your birthday? Adrain: This one, this body. was born 11/19/1955. Sean: And in 1965 you came here to Miami? Adrain: Well, the boy came here in 1960 and in 1965 was when the approach and the soul transfer occurred. Let s talk about that a little bit. The boy s physical body was very poor. He was partially mentally retarded and in very bad physical condition. He I was throwing a ball in the air when he I saw a V-shaped phalanx of ships coming across the sky. The lead ship began to glow very brightly and descend. He I thought it was a plane crashing so the boy ran towards his bike, and before he could make it, he was taken up in the ship. Inside the craft was when the boy first saw Adrain. He is from a planet called Romel in the Koran star system, some 950 years in our linear future. The boy was placed in a glass cylinder and his soul essence was removed and healed, where it was incarnated in a much more positive environment. Then Adrain laid down in a second glass cylinder. There was a device that looked like a large white box, like a refrigerator, placed horizontally, with glowing tubes coming out of the glass cylinder into and out of the white box. Adrain transferred maybe 10 or 20% of his mind and soul into this body, so that he could exist simultaneously in the future and in this Earth time-line. Like an archeologist or anthropologist that has found a way to travel in time and not disrupt the structure of the time he is studying. When I got up out of the glass cylinder on the ship, and I saw this huge blonde being, it was like looking in a mirror. Like looking back at myself. Sean: So you are saying that you are not simply a Contactee , a human being in contact with extraterrestials, but that you are, in fact, one of them? Adrain: Smiles When I came in, I came in full consciousness. During the process of days I started losing my original memory, except the most important thing: Who I was. That was never lost. I retain only certain memories. Now, I am sort of trying to recuperate. I sort of went down for a long time and now I am on my way back up. Little by little. In other words, I have been left with about 5% of the whole consciousness. Everything else is in the other one the ET . So I am very human now, you know? When I came in, I took over all the mentally retarded boy s debts, his karma. That was part of the deal in the astral plane, so that he could progress very quickly in his new incarnation. When I had fixed his karma to a comfortable degree, then I left his family. I ll never forget it. The Pleiadians came into my room one day and said they had orders from the Pleiadian High Council. You ve got to leave as soon as possible. Everything is arranged for you, because the vibrations here in the home are interfering with our contacts. I was a little surprised in a way, but I was expecting it. The Pleiadians said, Do not worry, everything is fine. Everything will be O.K. We have contacts, and we have made arrangements, do not worry about any-thing. Just pack up, and we will take care of everything. Sean: How old were you when this happened? Adrain: Umm, around 16 or 17, I think. Sean: Where were you? Was this in the United States? In Miami? Where did you move to when you were 16? Adrain: That is a curious thing. I did what they told me, packed everything. Then I get a call from a friend of mine, saying to meet these guys who just came from Japan, a martial artist, staying for a while in Miami. Oh, I said, man , that is for me , I love martial arts! Then I went to see them, and we became friends, and evidently they saw something, maybe not strange, but different in me, and they asked me if I wanted to join them, and become part of the group, and I said, Oh this is the connection for me! So I went to live with these people, and I became a black belt and got involved with the Buddhist philosophy. Sean: Did they have an Ashram, like a Dojo, here in Miami? Adrain: Yes, here in Miami. They had a shrine in their house. So, I lived with them for months. I went to live with a friend that I met there with them for about a year. After that I got a job. Then I lived on my own and finally I got my own apartment. But I stayed in close contact with all of them, training for my Black Belt. Sean: So you started out being very independent, very young. Adrain: Very young. They started kicking me, really early, to make me mature at a very accelerated rate at many levels, and told me not to depend on anyone and not to trust many people. Sean: Do you ever see your mother and father here much? Adrain: No, they are dead, physically, now. Sean: Oh. I am sorry. Adrain: They were pretty old. At that time, with that family. I have a half brother in New York, and that is about it. I do not have any more family. Sean: What happened to the physical soul of the, I am not sure what his original name was, but the original soul of the other body. The small boy you once were. Adrain: They told me they took him to South America to reincarnate, in a family, which was very interestingly, a family with money, and they are into metaphysical things. So, he is much better off. The deal was pretty good for him. Good for him, for us, for everybody. Because he was not going to make it. He was dying, and emotionally he wasn t well with that fanatically religious family. They were driving him crazy, you know. I was going crazy there, too. There were times I would come from school, and I would see priests and psychiatrists in the house, because they thought that the devil was in me. That is what they were saying. Sean: Is that why? Adrain: Yeah, because I would fool around with these people. Tell them the future, tell them sometimes what they were dreaming, and this bothered them. I would see what they would do. I spoke to these people like they were an experiment in the house, you know. Not in a malicious way, you know? I just wanted to see some reaction, to learn myself, and how they would take things, you know. I would play around like that, but, what really did it, was within three weeks of my coming into his body, I left the Church, that is what really did it. Then the harassment and abuse got really very strong. Sean: You left the Catholic Church? When you were 10, and you told your parents you did not want to go anymore? Adrain: Yup! That is it. Just like that. Sean: When was your first physical contact? When was the first time that you actually rode on a ship, do you remember it? Physically, after you got your new body. Adrain: Hmmm, I have got to think back. Because there were times it was done physically and there were times it was done astrally, and sometimes that is very similar to the physical. I think the next time was right away, immediately, and this was in a matter of days, in the same park. And then I remember once, outside the Orange Bowl. I would come with my bike, and with my footballs, and just started kicking, and stayed till very late at night. Sean: So you were out playing football, and they came down and got you? Adrain: That is how it would happen for the contact. Sean: Outside the Orange Bowl? Was it outside, or actually in the Orange Bowl? Adrain: No, no. In the parking lot, on the grass field, they have a big thing there. It is changed today from when the original abduction took place. Before it was bigger. And that is how they would do it, you know? My little bike, a bag of footballs. I was pretty good at kicking footballs. I was a kicker for Miami High and I was aiming to become a Pro, and even once, some people from the New England Patriots, back then they were the Boston Patriots. They came right up to the field, and they told me, You are a good field goal kicker. You can play for us. So I started preparing everything to go. Something told me to drop it, because that would have taken me in another direction in my life, so, I turned them down. But, today, I still have the little part of me that asks how could it have been? I could have played pro football, can you imagine? Sean: Well, we have better things planned for you, believe me. And, so do the Pleiadians, I guess. Did they ever give you a reason, as to why particularly they chose the body that you are in now? As to why they chose you at that time? Adrain: Because one of the things they told me was that they knew the people in the family, a lot of the family members of this body. And all the incarnations. They have had conflict with the same people that live in that family of the little boy. Not only that, but there were things there from the past, dangling, that had to be conquered and resolved. But on top of everything else, on many levels, that was proper, for me to get excellent experience. Which I did. It was an excellent school. It was hard, it almost destroyed me many times. That is the whole thing. It was very good. It matured me. It helped me in many ways, on many levels. So many things like that were considered. The learning processes, the karmic process, it was all so carefully planned. That is why. That is the main reason. So, I met a lot of people that were not for me. But also I had things to accomplish with them and to learn. So, until today I am still learning just a little bit more until I leave this area. I am going to go at any moment, I am not sure. They do not tell me everything. You know how it works. They do not like to interfere. They might alter things. I guess I needed the energy here. They are always saying, You become a teacher in this area, so negative and so adverse, boy, you can feel satisfied , do you know what I mean? You can become a good teacher. That is what is happening to me. I want to do something else better now. Sean: When do you feel you absolutely have to be out of Miami? Adrain: I think absolutely, before three years. Because there are things that can happen before. But since I know that things can be changed, I always try to say that things can be either altered or pushed away. Sean: Negative things? Adrain: Things that have to do with geological disturbance and stuff like that. And I am not always thinking about that. And I do not care too much. I always think that if it is not for you, it is not for you. You will be at the right place at the right time. You do not have to be thinking of getting money to buy property in North Carolina, or afraid of this or afraid of that. I do not believe in that. I do not think in that way, anyway. You could be in the most dangerous places and the ship will come down right in an instant and take you and that is it. Sean: Exactly what do they want? Adrain: They want stability right now. I know that for some it does not make any sense, it may even hurt them, but again, they say have faith! , they are in control, and there is nothing to worry about. Some people, they see me as a little shaky, they think that maybe I am a little crazy, that I am a liar. Maybe my case could be fake. It is for our convenience. That is how I can proceed and work real good and then when the time comes, we will launch a plan of concrete evidence, and then suddenly everybody will be exposed from behind their mask. That is what we re doing now. You just have to trust me. We are out to expose everybody that does not belong. Those people are going to stay behind, and whoever wants to come back later, we will not let them. So, I think that is what we are going to do. We are going to work with what we have, and I ll give you a little bit once in a while in the form of photos and video. Adrain took this photo of a type 2 variation craft in flight several thousand feet in the air through the 'window' of another beamship that he was riding on. Notice the high clouds in the background. These photos have been thoroughly analyzed by photo/computer expert Don Selwin of Imaging Services, a NASA contractor, and found to be completely authentic. Sean: With the video tape THE MIAMI CONTACTS , and Randy Winters book THE PLEIADIAN MISSION , and the network TV special I have planned, many people will be talking about your case and everybody will come along with their strong opinion one way or the other. Adrain: Because there will come a time that the powerful, straight hard core, undeniable evidence, will be brought to light. But these people, they will not be able to be a part of my project. They are going to want it, but they will not be allowed, do not let them in, do not talk to them. They had their chance. They could have said, Well, maybe, this is a little strange, but let s give the guy a chance , you know, and that shows they have a heart and they want to know the truth as people. At least it will not eliminate them very quickly. Those are the ones we want to find out where they are. But the others, the disbelievers, they are not getting anything in the future, on any level. So I am finding out already who to trust and who not to. Sean: Was there a connection between theET’s and Nazi Germany? Adrain: Yes. Through the Thule and Vril Secret Societies. TheET’s they originally made contact with were very negative. But even those ETs, because of certain reasons, they, too, are also changing. They are getting Higher. I will see what happens and how they behave when the. thing hits the fan. how do you say? All of them as a group together, the original people that were part of that scenario in WW 2 , we will see how much they have really changed. I know at least these Germans have changed a great deal. Now the ETs, I think they still have a little bit more to go, but they are changing. Their leader, this Ashtar Sheran. Sean: what is the leader s name? Adrain: Ashtar Sheran. He is also called Aruseak, which is his real name. Sean: Yes? Adrain: He gave them the Germans the technology, and he helped all of them, along with Hitler, get away. That has nothing to do with the fact that the Nine Families had this technology even before all this. Hitler got his technology around the 30 s. These people that were in control of Hitler and in control of the Nazi party, The Thule Society, the real bastards, all this stuff, the whole thing. The Nine Families had all this technology long before it was given to Hitler and the Germans, since the 1800s. The Nine Families started very strong contacts with the evilET’s hundreds of years ago and they helped them with the building of all this advanced stuff. Sean: You are saying Ashtar was the one that helped Hitler get away? Adrain: Yes. He has done some very bad things. But, he may at some time in the future change, we will see. He is a Pleiadian Renegade, this Ashtar. Sean: Is that so? Adrain: He is an old Pleiadian Renegade. Sean: Why would the Nine Families choose the Germans to begin the release of this technology? Or to develop this technology? Adrain: Because the Germans, they chose them as their Police. Because the Germans are the closest thing genetically to the Nine Family’s forefathers. They have alien genetics from these ETs. They are Old Lyrans and Pleiadians. The old war-like Lyrans and Pleiadians who raped and pillaged across the galaxy millions of years ago. That is why during the war they. Hmm. give me time so I can explain something. You guys know already, more or less, but people should know. The wars, like all wars, are always controlled by the Nine Families ever since who knows when. Generation from generation. Just to make money, create mass genocide to control the populace and to take over land. They always control everybody that is involved. They have reunions of these Insider people and they say, Well, now tomorrow it is your turn to bring your troops and destroy all his troops. It is like fake wrestling. They get together and create a fake scenario, and everybody gets a piece of pie, and that is what is been happening for thousands of years. They chose the SS and all these people, the Germans, who actually have become the police, for the time being, while they were doing all these things, and World War 2 and before, and in the future also, because actually they were also the ones that created the CIA. the Germans did. The Germans are all of the high instructors of the CIA installations, wherever they are. All the teachers are German till this day. There is no contract saying that that is the way it is supposed to be, but it is just the law, and that is the way it is. They are all in control. Sean: Do you remember the names? You mentioned the Nine Families a couple of times. Do you remember the names of the nine families? Adrain: Yes, I know, but, I would not like to say. Sean: Are the Rothschilds the leaders? Are the Hapsburgs involved? Adrain: Smiles cryptically. Sean: How about the Royal families? Adrain: You are not going to put this out are you? Sean: We want to know just for ourselves. I won t put anything out there unless you say that it is all right. Adrain: No. You can say what is going on. But, leave the names out. Because that is negative Karma, and we do not want to damage anybody, either. We have got to remember, they are also us, and they have a right to do what they are doing, just like we have a right to do what we are doing. But we are not going to injure anybody either, even though we know what they are doing, it is OK. But that is all part of the Plan. And the other people that you know, those commissions. What is it? The Trilateral and the CFR, they are just people getting used. Sean: Are all of the nine families represented in the Bilderberger meetings? Adrain: Yes, they are in charge of all these people. All these groups, the Bilderbergers that you mentioned. What was another one that you said? Sean: The Council on Foreign Relations. Adrain: I have a friend that used to be a chef for these people when they got together. With a very high Clearance in the Luftwaffe. You know? He was a German. He said every-body was there in a NATO meeting, in the time when Nixon was the president. My friend is in the corner fixing the food, and then he hears Nixon start talking about something that my friend does not remember, and demanding some things. But in the middle of the room, where Nixon was sitting, at a long table, there were three guys. Very young, good looking, dressed very nice. And all through the reunion they were very quiet and weird. They did not talk once to anybody. When Nixon started talking, the guy in the middle started yelling at Nixon saying, You are stupid! You keep your mouth shut! My friend, when he saw and heard that, he was freaking out. He said that Nixon actually physically hung his head down and wouldn t look the man in the eye. Nixon’s face turned red and he started trembling, like a child being scolded. Now, who was the guy in the middle? And the other two next to him? They were no more than 30 years old, yelling at the President of the United States! Sean: I wonder if Watergate happened after that? Adrain: I know! Laughs And after that came Watergate. Sean: Do these Nine Families have access to the bases on the moon? Adrain: They are the ones that have had this advanced super technology since the 1800 s, I believe. Who knows before that, I do not know. A loooong time. The thing that happened to the Nazis was giving them some part of the technology that they allowed them to have. It is like they were giving it to The Police for when the war was over. I am going to get to that later. You will see how I am going to connect it. If I don t, remind me. Sean: It is all right. Adrain: They knew that after the war everybody involved was not going to destroy everything. The Consciousness was totally all about just making money. So they needed Nazis to go and construct the CIA, who actually take care of these people, the former Nazi war criminals, when they go all around internationally, to establish themselves. That is what the CIA originally was set up for. Sean: As their own private police force? Adrain: Yes! And that is exactly what it is to this day. To this day! But, the Nine Families have technology from those secret scientists that no one will ever know about. All the scientists that are German, and the ones that came after World War 2 , they are the ones on the moon. They are the ones on Mars. They ve been there ever since the 40s. In the 40s they brought some French and some Japanese, too. Hundreds of thousands of people are up there. Hundreds of thousands of people all living under-ground. They literally have made it like an earth. They have lakes, they have trees, they ve got everything. They can survive forever, they do not need anything. I have seen all this when I travel there on the astral plane. Sean: Underground on Mars? Adrain: And on the Moon, both. Sean: Were there any indigenous people on Mars that protested when they went up there? Was there anybody left on Mars? Adrain: No. But in another dimension, yes. But not physically in how we see it. It is all deserted. Sean: On the Moon, the huge tower that the NASA scientist Richard Hoagland’s talking about. Tell me what that is. (click image right) Adrain: It is like an airport, like the thing over at the Miami airport, a control tower. Sean: Richard Hoagland says it is 20 miles high and is made out of glass? It is a communications tower for an airport? Adrain: Yes. But that has to do with the Old Wars with Malona, from long ago, hundreds of thousands of years back. I do not think they are using it now for anything. They have probably tried to activate it but I do not know if they have been successful. It is just like many of the things I have seen on Mars. The towers, pyramids and monuments and all. Ed. Note: Malona is the name the Pleiadians gave to the 5th planet in our Solar System which blew itself to smithereens in a great war over 200,000 years ago. What remains of Malona is now the Asteroid Belt. Sean: Have you been up close to those and seen them at all? Adrain: In the Astral plane. Many years ago I saw all of the power. Like a giant speedway, what do you call it? Like a runway. It looked deserted. But most of this is under-ground. Sean: So what do these Nine Families have planned for us and the rest of the world in the next few years? First off: How do you know the plan, and how do you know what they have planned? Adrain: Laughs Man, that is a heavy question! One, because I was part of it once. In another incarnation I was one of these people. Sean: One of the Nine Families? Adrain: Part of it. Not directly. One of the officers. Sean: How long ago? Adrain: In the 1930 s. Do not get confused. Do not worry. Because we can go and have millions of lifetimes, in between the lives we have here on earth, with things like that in my memory of what I have seen. Sean: What are their plans? You spoke earlier about three things. Adrain: The first thing is to create a mass genocide. Because they are under orders from the powers of the Older Ones , The Old Renegade Lyrans from Atlantis and their descendents. These guys were the great Overlords called the YHWH. Sean: What are they called? Adrain: The YHWH, Ich Whick which is a title meaning Supreme Leader or Wisdom King . Sean: Ish wish? Adrain: The correct pronunciation of it is ICH Whick. Some people say Yahweh or Jehovah, but Ich Whick is the correct pronunciation because the power is created when you say it correctly. It is very powerful. It comes from the original Lyran which comes from a language that was created by the life force. It brings out powers. Like singing it, you know? The Hebrews used this name, but were never allowed to ever pronounce it! They have orders from the Old Overlords to create a mass genocide. Because from that clean up, they are supposed to create a new race, stronger people, from the human beings that are left, so that they can actually reincarnate with their servants and officers. They are coming back! Jehovah the Terrible is one of them! Because they cannot escape the vibration of the earth. They did not belong here originally. They died here and so they are stuck here. They cannot incarnate because they will explode a regular human body. The vibration here that is pulling them, they can t escape. Naturally, this is a big problem for them. But, they are the ones behind all the trouble you have seen in the history of the world. These Overlords are stuck in the Astral world and cannot progress any further. They want to come back here into this dimensional plane. These are the families of the aliens that were actually responsible for the destruction of Atlantis. They are still here. They want to create a whole global genocide, to re-create a super race. That is the whole mystery behind everything that is going on. Then they want to leave some percentage of sub-humans, to use as a slave race that is human but also part robo-toid. Using their technology to make them easier to control, such as implants. Sean: This slave race is probably going to be us! Adrain: It is incredible what they have planned! These people do not know which race they are going to use as the servants yet. Probably everybody who is left over. They are scheming so many things. They are planning another war. Like they planned all of the others. They actually not only make money and help each other but they are looking at killing a fantastic amount of people they have a problem with. So they are doing that. They have all these designer drugs. The designer viruses. The microwaves. All of the technology. You think that you know about most of it, but you can t even dream of what they have! They want complete Genocide and a remodeling of the earth human species. They are attempting constantly to accelerate the spin of the Earth with atomic blasts to switch the poles, cause that is a convenient way to eliminate a lot of people, and sort out all the trash or sub-humans , as they call all of you. Down here everything is cleared so that they can come back. That is one reason they are establishing an entire civilization on the Moon and Mars. So, that they can leave it all behind, and then come back and make everything new. Sean: Who is going to stop them? What do you think will happen? Adrain: They are going to kill themselves off in the end. Because of the vibration of the New Era. The New Zodiac energy fields of Aquarius. Another incredible photo taken 'ship to ship' by Adrain, from out the 'window' of another craft in flight. Notice not only the height from which this photo is taken, but the actual mist of the clouds wrapping around the fuselage. Sean: The Ascension Frequency? Adrain: Yes! That is an excellent name for it! They won t be able to go against us. That energy works in a very interesting way, because it is amplifying and combining all the energies we have but consciously and on purpose. It also comes from the Collective Consciousness, from Beings from the center of the galaxy and the center of the Universe. Mostly from our galaxy. This energy is activating our DNA on purpose at the start of the Aquarian age, and it is hitting everybody in a serious way as a natural power boost. The people that are unbalanced, will become more unbalanced, and the people who are metaphysical, will become even more metaphysical. More good beautiful hearts and more love. So it amplifies whatever is in you. These guys that we are talking about, they chose as a learning procedure for their own souls to be very unbalanced. So, this energy is going to kill them. They are going to kill themselves off. They are going to go crazy totally, or explode or just die. I mean, that is it. They can t and they won t be able to hold the energy. They cannot run from this one! Sean: Is that what Project HAARP High Altitude Aural Research Project is about and all of the electro-magnetic frequency bombardment and all the pollution? They are trying to actually destroy the evolving DNA of the human race? Adrain: Well, yes, they are doing that because they know that people are becoming very dangerous. They are finding out what has been going on all this time, and it is now or never. So, they are very nervous, and very afraid. That is why they are microwaving us and destroying the quality of our food. They want to do something now. They are against the wall. They know about the energy of the Ascension and the Zodiac. They know all about the energy of the Collective Consciousness. They know the people are changing and they know something can happen, and that the Alliance will come to interfere. They are not going to, but, that is why they have the moon bases, the military bases, all that weaponry out there in case of an attack. All the Star Wars stuff. But not an attack from an alien race, like people think. No. It is an attack from the actual GALACTIC GOVERNMENT. Like a parent coming down to a little kid starting a fire, spanking them and saying, That is enough! No more! They are afraid. They felt all this weaponry was for a war against Russia or China. No, no, no! It is to be used against the benevolent Alien Alliance should they interfere, or against us if we evolve to far. They know that they can t get away with what they are doing here forever. Sean: Who is the Alliance? Adrain: The Universal Alliance of Planets. Sean: How many are there? Adrain: That is what I forgot. All that information was in my notes. Sean: 48 evolving worlds in this sector? More than that? Adrain: No, no. Lots more. It is a line that is established in all dimensions, everywhere and it has a lot of ramifications. One Confederation is aligned with another, and that is confederated with another alliance. They are all interconnected by various treaties and agreements. So, the family’s membership is endless. It goes into other universes. I had it all down, all the numbers, in my notes, which someone has taken. I had the membership of the aliens that controlled this part of the galaxy, which is in Andromeda. Sean: Andromeda the galaxy or Andromeda the constellation? Adrain: Oh, both. Both are very high and both have a great deal to do with it for some reason. Sean: Getting back to the future. what is the other thing, beyond the genocide? Oh, OK, the first thing is the genocidal war. Where and when is it going to start? Adrain: In Europe and the Middle East. Sean: Who are going to be the major players in it? Adrain: Israel will have something to do with it and the people in the Mediterranean. And then later on, China will get involved. Little by little everybody will end up losing control and getting dragged into it. But, of course, at the top, the leaders are all saved and uniting just like we are doing. Thinking this out and planning it all. No one is really the enemy of anybody. I am sorry. People are just in the way like always ,like pawns in a game of chess. Sean: How long does the next war last? Adrain: Two or three years. Sean: That is all? Do you know when it starts? Adrain: Supposedly around 1998 or 1999. They have the plans all laid out, the goal in numbers for the elimination of a certain number of people. Sean: How many? Adrain: I had it all written down. Sean: Take a guess, Adrain: Several billions, Sean: Do they use atomic weapons? Adrain: They are more advanced than atomic weapons. It was something more strange. It was weather control technology they were using . If I can remember when I saw it, they were creating huge winds. So maybe 5 hurricanes at the same time. You know just one can do a lot. Another incredible photo taken 'ship to ship' by Adrain, from out the 'window' of another craft in flight. Notice not only the height from which this photo is taken, but the actual mist of the clouds wrapping around the fuselage. Sean: So it is made to look like natural disasters? Adrain: Yes. They use different weapons. Weapons that people have never seen before, and can t even imagine. It is something out of a fantastic movie, from an acid trip, or whatever, it was really something strange. Sean: So like earthquake inducing devices, hurricane inducing devices? Adrain: Yes, weather control. Sean: So, we won t think it is war, will we? we will think it is all natural disasters. Adrain: Then that is the excuse to use regular simple conventional weapons because people do not have any food, and that is the biggest problem. Nations might still have something stored, some grain, and other nations will come to take all that land to survive. They order the stupid captains in the lower ranks around to do it. They think they are playing a real war, you know? So they will actually go out and start a lower war with conventional weapons. It will go from artificially induced atmospheric and geological problems and I am afraid that it will go to conventional weapons after that. Sean: what is the next thing, the second thing you were saying. There were three things? Adrain: Oh, remind me. Sean: Genocide was the first one of the goals of the Nine Families. There were two more? Adrain: The second one: genetically engineering the perfect special bodies for the slave race, and then engineering a perfect body that can hold the unique energies for theET’s who want to come in, who have no where to go. The Custodial Aliens who consider this their real estate. They are not going to give up until they get this world. They have it already, but they just want to taste it a little better than they can now. For them it is like smelling a good steak but not being able to eat it. And finally they want total control of the Earth and this entire sector of space. Sean: Why do not they just take it all over tomorrow? They ve got all the power. what is stopping them? Adrain: There are a lot of good people in this world. Our vibration, in itself, is what stops them. We are the last line of defense, whether we know it or not. Our own power field. There is a lot of good love, a lot of good open hearts, a lot of cosmic warriors and benevolent aliens helping out, too. Very subtly. They are also very afraid that if they come to far out into the open, it could backfire. Sean: They are not in a hurry, are they? Adrain: Huh, yes, yes! The benevolent aliens are in the way! We are in the way! There are a lot of good things happening. They just can t take over like that. Their energy is very powerful, but fragile, easily burned away. That is how it is with the Forces of Darkness. It only takes one small candle to light a whole room. They just have to make sure we do not light that candle. Sean: Is there another great Anti-Christ, another great world leader that comes to power? Adrain: There’s a probability. But not definite, with a stamp. Sean: Nostradamus talks about the third great Anti-Christ, the guy in the blue turban. I have had some runins with him and his uncle on the astral plane. The coming Arab leader of the Islamic/China confederation. Have you seen any of that? Adrain: He comes in saying that he is one of the incarnations of an old prophet from the Bible, and that the Bible says that his coming has been predicted. He is coming out as a religious figure. Very good looking, too, very strong. He is incarnated already but if he is going to do all that, we do not know yet. It could change. There is a man who comes to great power, but it is the fall of the Church he is connected with it. Sean: The fall of the Catholic Church? Adrain: Yes, but I saw that more concrete. That is more favorable. It was more strong. I could grab it more. But, the other guy, no one may ever even know he is here, but he can become something else. And then people would say, They lie, the psychics were wrong! I say no, things just went another direction. Part 2. ED. NOTE: I had a chance to chat with Claudina, Adrain’s beautiful fiancée. She of all people convinced me of the validity of this case. She is bright, honest, gentle, and totally guile-less. She goes on most of the off- world trips with Adrain, and gives a soft, feminine perspective to this entire thing. I also saw a photo, taken by Adrain, of two saucer shaped craft, one hovering a few feet off the ground, and the other with an extended ladder. Claudina was climbing up it to get into the ship! Here I talk with her about her experiences. Sean: what is the greatest experience you ve had in this whole wild adventure? Claudina: Well, I have always had a strong affinity with dolphins, and anything that has to do with underwater life, always since I was a kid, you know? Sean: Yes. Claudina: This was before all this started happening, before I met Adrain, it was very, very strong. I mean extremely strong. It was something that I was just always in my mind, you know, and I told Adrain that there is something weird going on, because it is like, constantly in my mind, you know, and, I really do not know what it was all about. So Adrain smiles at me and he goes, You ll find out soon! And I am like, You can t tell me now? He says, No, not yet, but you are going to find out soon enough. You ll be surprised. I said OK. So, one day when we had an encounter, it was a time that I was able to go. Sean: You had to take off work in order to go? Claudina works as a cashier in a local market. Claudina: No, no, no. It was a time that I was able to go. But, you see, I do not go all the time, and they told me that this one in particular was something special for me. To kind of prepare me for something that is coming in the future, that hasn t gotten here yet, but it is coming, and it is getting close. But, to ease my mind a little bit, of something that I have been almost obsessive about, and wondering what is going on, you know, with dolphins and whales and seals and I mean everything. Mermaids and this and that. and they took me to this planet, they said they couldn t tell me the name of it, because I wasn t ready to know, but that I would know about it in the future. For some reason they were going to talk to me, and they couldn t tell me yet. But, eventually we went in, and they took the ship down. It is weird, because it is not like an atmosphere in the sense that you still have land, and then you have the sky, you know ? It is not like that. It is like all water. Just like from top to bottom, it is just like a big ball of water, something you ve never seen before. They have all kinds of creatures there. I mean, man and animals that are here like dolphins and seals and some other things we have never even seen before. They have cities, you could say, but buildings that are transparent, it looks like crystal quartz, transparent that have a faint glow to them. Like pure energy and they have like a pyramids and igloos and circular structures. Those were the types of shapes I noticed their buildings were like. When I saw that I felt such relief, and I knew that was where my connection was. They told me that I had an-other life there, and it is not too far back, that is why I am so close to it. But that in the future I was going to find out more about it, because I have something that I have to bring to this planet that comes from that lifetime. But, right now, I am not ready to know everything, and that is why they couldn t tell me everything that is going on, but that I will in the future, and a lot of things will be coming together, and eventually I ll be able to do what I came here to do, my mission, which is going to be helping a lot of people, but, it comes from that lifetime, in that particular planet. It explains a lot of things. Why I always as a kid I loved the water and nobody ever taught me how to swim. I just jumped in and did it! That is something that my parents were always amazed at. That I was just a little, little, little baby, but I would just play by my-self in the water for hours and hours and hours and be swimming under water holding my breath. They couldn t understand it. You could say that is the most touching experience to me. Sean: Did your water planet have any other features, like a lot of moons? Claudina: To be honest with you, I mean, I did not even notice. I was so, like, into everything I saw, the animals, it was great, but I was just amazed. The other thing is that I love animals, in general, you know. So, when I was there I was like blinking, I couldn t believe it! So, I really honestly did not have any fear of anything around. I was just feeling like a horse when they put the blinders on, that is exactly how I was. Sean: So you did not get a chance to talk to any of the people? Claudina: No, no. We were in the ship the whole time and we saw it on the screen, like we were watching out a window. And they just said, Observe it and remember this! And in the future you are going to know more about it, but right now, we will give you a little push. At the same time my mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Like you have something inside you that is asking so many questions. what is this? What is that? You know? And they just said I could relax and know I am not going crazy. Sean: Did you have a favorite person on the ship that you liked? Any particular person that you were friends with or felt close to? Claudina: Um, mostly I would say it would be Muka. Sean: Is it a man or a woman? Claudina: It is a lady. Sean: Are they all women? Claudina: The ones that I see, yeah. I haven t seen any men so far. Sean: What do they look like? Claudina: They have long hair, longer than me. Down past their waist. Dirty blonde. Very, very pretty. And big, big eyes, that look like cat eyes. You know? Sean: Do they look like yours? Claudina: Yeah, but they are bigger. They look like cats. Every time I see my cat, I think of them because they have those almond shaped eyes, like cats do. You know, they go out and slant up. Really pretty! Sean: Uh huh. Do they have a round retina in the eye like a person or a vertical slit like a cat? Claudina: No, no. It is regular, round, like a person. Sean: Anything about the ears? Big ear lobes, pointed ears? Claudina: Their ears are normally, you know, like ours. They might have a little extra skin down here, at the lobe. But, nothing super noticeable. Sean: How tall are they? Claudina: They are pretty tall. They are like, 6 2 or 6 6. For a woman, that is big. Very, very prettily shaped features. They look like dolls. They do not have a space at the bridge of the nose. Y know that dent where the nose starts. It seems to come straight down from the forehead. A Roman nose, like on an ancient statue. Adrain: But it looks good. Claudina: Yes, it looks very nice. On Earth there are very few people that have that straightness. They usually all have very long, sharp noses, you know? It is straight like that, but it is very feminine. I do not know, I can t explain it, but it is very, very nice. I mean, it is hard to explain. They are very, very pretty. Their mouths are also perfectly shaped. Sean: Do you see the same people every time You are on the craft? Claudina: Most of the time. Mainly Muka. Sean: Just her? Claudina: Well, no. It is her and another girl, but, she won t tell me her name for some reason. Sean: You asked? Claudina: I asked her and she just looked at me and she said Regretfully I cannot tell you. So, I was, like, OK. Sean: Could you get an image or a symbol or anything from them when you talked to them? Instead of them having a name is there some sort of symbol that you see when you see each one of them? Claudina: No, not really. Sean: Do they ever talk to you telepathically? Or do they speak just like we do? Claudina: Most of the time they talk to me like we do, but sometimes it is mentally. Sean: Do they speak English pretty well? Claudina: Oh God, yeah. Editor’s Note: We return now to our regularly scheduled interview! Sean: Could you tell me if you know anything about Area 51? Because apparently they have a Pleiadian beam ship and I was wondering if you know anything about how they got it. Adrain: I was told once that they The Pleiadians actually left one of the craft in some field. They just left it there, and somebody came to pick it up, but they can t open it. It is actually a trick. Like a Trojan horse. It is like a camera. They have monitors on the craft that can see into anything. Into the earth, right through walls. but at Area 51, and many of the other bases where they are being helped by the darker entities, they have technology that can block the viewing monitors. So we let them have a monitor ship to study, so that we could collect data to see what they were up to inside the base. They captured a second craft that they got into but they couldn t work it correctly. It is the only thing I know, having to do with the ships at Area 51. Sean: Why can t they work it correctly? Adrain: The ships are partly organic. When they are being manufactured they use a sample of tissue from the person that is going to operate the craft. This helps to establish a physical and telepathic resonance which acts as a dead-man switch, so that if the operator dies or if the ship is captured the craft can only perform rudimentary functions, like hovering, but is no longer capable of space flight. The whole ship would have to be rebuilt and completely reprogrammed. Sean: One of the ships that Bob Lazar the scientist who defected from Area 51 saw had three small chairs in it, but looks just like the ship we just saw in the video you took. Adrain: No, no. That is a Zeta Reticulan craft. Some of the Pleiadian ships look very similar to the beamships on the outside, but there are some subtle differences. Sean: Can you tell me anything you know about the crop circles? First off, who is making them, why they are made, maybe what they mean? The modern crop circle phenomena started in May of 1990 in England. Any reason for that? Adrain: One reason we see most of the crop circles in England, is because that is where many of the Nine Families are based. They are working with a reptilian race that lives many miles underground, together with several other alien races. Sean: Is this correct? Adrain: The Alliance have gone directly into the back yard of these Nine Families and they are telling them to stop what they are doing, and telling these alien races and the secret world order that they work with to get out or suffer the consequences. It is a message, and they have a time limit. So when the ninety percent of these circles are found, most of them are done as a form of communication. Some type of universal code. It is the language to communicate with the non- benevolentET’s that have the world strangled to tell them they will not triumph. A small percentage of them are also little messages for people who are waiting for things and certain signs. Sean: Who are the circles made by? Adrain: They are made mainly by the Arcturians, and some people from the Alliance who come in from the Andromeda constellation. Sean: So the crop circles are being made by ArcturianET’s or do they come up from up inside the earth? Adrain: When they are made initially they use small craft, and then the negative ones come down to sort of read them, the way people have filmed them, and think that those craft are the ones that are making the circles. Laughs They get pretty rattled when they read the message and find out what we are going to do to them. Sean: Since I have been in the fields in England about 100 yards away at the same time the circles are being made, I can tell you there seems to be no visible phenomenon whatsoever. It is like they ooze up out of the ground. Adrain: Well, because the craft are cloaked, and the beams they use are way above the visible spectrum of light. Sean: Have they ever taken you or have you ever asked to go to Andromeda, to go sit in on the Counsels of the Alliance? Adrain: Not really. But, I have a feeling of it because Adrain the Pleiadian counterpart has attended the Council many times. When that happens ,whew, those feelings of peak experiences are for me hard things to talk about. Of course, Adrain tells me a lot of things. What they want to do with the earth, and everything else. Sean: Such as? Adrain: It is very hard to explain. They have a much bigger perspective than ours. A much wider view of the entire picture. There are three alternatives that they are considering: The first is to do nothing. Even if they manage to simply neutralize the negative ETs, they feel that you will probably destroy yourselves anyway, and many are willing to let your own natures take their course. The second is to simply kick over the planet! Rescue a deserving few, let the earth roll over several times, wipe out everything and start over by repopulating the earth with beings they feel deserve to live here. These are my people considering this! Many feel that destroying everything here would allow those who die to progress and transmigrate to a higher level, and help the consciousness of the earth to evolve much more quickly. The third is to stabilize the spin of the Earth, which has been thrown out of whack by all of the atomic explosions, stabilize the tectonic plates, so the game can be played out, but with one difference: There are many Earth people that they have taken to live on their worlds, Romel being just one of them. These Earth people have had children who have been raised in Pleiadian societies, learning their laws, science, and religion. There are about 100,000 just on Romel now. These children want to go back to the Old Country and see where they came from. Many thousands of them are returning, and will be returning in the years to come to help us through the hard times ahead. There was a huge influx of these people coming back to Earth in1995. The Council has not really agreed on anything as yet. They are making their mind up now! That is why it is so important that we do everything we can to fix our karmic debts. IF we can raise the consciousness of the planet, by building study groups, like the ones I am teaching now in the Tampa and Vero Beach, Florida area, we can avert the catastrophe that our current time-line holds. Sean: Who does the Andromedan Council report to? Do they report to anybody else, anybody higher? Adrain: There are people in the organized group, in the Council of the Alliance, that I told you about. They report to people more inside on a mental vibration. And those report to something more inside of that. something that was called a spirit vibration and they report to something more inside of the heart. there are no words for it. It is a soul vibration. The spirit is not the highest vibration, the soul is. The spirit is like a protective sheath and the soul is the highest vibration where everything comes from. The soul is the core vibratory frequency of the Universe. It is a Collective Consciousness of people that have made it in many incarnations to the inner heart core of our universe. As they come in they join into this one vibration and they get bigger and bigger. Then these huge Collective Consciousness Entities report to some others higher, you know, it is like a chain of command. Sean: They report to beings in another universe? Adrain: Yup. And they are the ones that are mainly responsible for overseeing this universe. Another universe oversees the other one. that is how it is. Sean: There’s no original universe? Adrain: It does not exist. It is infinite, from the biggest to the smallest. It is a fantastic number. A gigantic universe, that has next to it a whole bunch of other gigantic universes. This planet, the solar system, the little dipper, the galaxy, this universe with all the other ones and all the rest that we are talking about. it is so big! And yet all of that is perhaps part of an atom in my thumb. Sean: So there is infinite bigness and infinite smallness? Adrain: Who would know we are in the middle of this. It is going to lead to the highest and the lowest. That is why our symbol looks like something like this. He draws With three lines and one joining. That is the universe and the creation. Sean: I have videotape with photographs of ships that have this symbol on the bottom of it. A drawing of the under-belly of an UMMO craft displaying the symbol of the United Universal Alliance of Planets. Adrain: Oh? Sean: Yes. The are called the UMMO and that symbol is on the bottom of their craft. Adrain: That line on the bottom is the physical worlds, the second horizontal line stands for the invisible or etheric words, and the third line on top stand for the worlds of the soul. They are joined together by a vertical line representing the highest eternal, to the lowest eternal of of all Creation. Sean: Is there a ruler of this galaxy? Is there a name for somebody that maybe rules or runs most of this galaxy? Adrain: The galaxy? No! It is just a Collective Consciousness. It is like I said, it is beings that have made a different connection together with beings from other universes. Sean: Have you had any other experience with people living on any other planets in this solar system with the exception of the Moon and Mars? Adrain: Some beings on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. I was told that these are from Orion. Sean: How many races have you had direct contact with? Adrain: That is a good question. The long nosed Sirian Grey negatives, the Grey Orion negatives, and the benevolent Zeta Reticulans. The Pleiadians, of course, and some beings from the constellation of Pegasus. Sean: What did they look like? A thumb nail description? Adrain: They, uh, believe it or not these people have wings. Sean: The ones from Pegasus have wings? Adrain: The people from there tend to have wings, it does not mean that everybody there in that system has wings. Just like people that look like Germans, but they are not all blonde. Sean: What do the Sirians look like? Adrain: The original Sirians, that came over are mainly tall dark people. But their noses are very big, not flat like a Black person. Their faces are a little long, tall and thin. They look tough, you know, interesting, very strong. Sean: And the Zeti Reticulians? Mostly a small race? Adrain: Yes. They have differences. Some are more human looking, more like Chinese. Some look more like the pictures you see of the Greys. They always have big heads. These other ones look more grayish with bigger eyes. You can tell when they are from there because they have an ambiance like little children. Mischievous but yet innocent. It appears in how they walk, how they act, their whole vibration. It is no bother to me, the way they come and poke you, like playing around and being curious. The negative Orion and Siran Greys have an ambience of fear, knowing exactly what they want to take away from you. The others, the benevolent Zetas, have an ambience of playful curiosity. Sean: So there are good Greys and bad Greys? Adrain: Yes. But the Greys that are confusing everybody, look pretty much the same as the Good Greys from Zeta Reticuli, small, grayish with big heads. They are from Orion. From Rigel and Betelgeuse. Those are the bad ones. Sean: And what do the Pleiadians from your system look like? Adrain: The women are 6 2 to 6 6. The men are between seven and eight feet. In the old days they were 20 to 30 feet tall. But now they are smaller. They all have a Roman nose, that comes straight down from the forehead, with no dent at the bridge, with very large, liquid, almond shaped cat’s eyes with a beautiful blue or green color. Sean: Where do the American Indians come from? The red race? Adrain: From the Southern Hemisphere of Atlantis. Sean: But where did they come from before that? Adrain: They belonged to the Sirian, Vegan and Orion systems. They are dark people. Of course, like I have said, the ones that are screwed up, the evil ones, they also come from the systems of Sirius and Orion, they are negative ones, but they do not look black or red. They look sickly and whitish, and you have tall ones and small ones. Most of them do not have any hair. Those are the ones that are in trouble, and make trouble for the earth humans. Sean: Is there going to be an extraterrestrial invasion of this planet, some time around 2004, 2005? Adrain: The Nine Families have a plan which has to do with the Chupacabra that you were investigating in Puerto Rico. The ultimate goal is to create a climate of so many problems and so much terror, pollution, war, crime, and fear. They want to get people used to the idea of an alien invasion with the Chupacabra, that this will set the stage for them to launch a fake alien invasion of Earth. Everybody is will be so terrified that they will give up all their rights and say to the World Government, Please Help! Do anything just come save us! The Chupacabra is a creature created by genetic experimentation, and being purposely released into the population to get people used to the idea of some kind of evil alien invasion. That is why it is getting so much publicity! That is when they have the special forces come in, with marshal law, take over and tear up the Constitution, poof!, gone! That is the plan. See? Because like I said, they are seeing that people are becoming very intelligent, they are learning what is been happening, so they are very afraid. They know the Constitution and the things that they will take away. But that is why we have the mass mind control, for the kids, using the TV and all that stuff to make them hang around with pistols, start shooting people and everything else, so that then it will make an easier excuse when they want to take over. Parents and everybody sending letters to senators and congressmen saying, Hey let’s the guns out of the streets! They take away everybody’s guns so the people can t defend themselves. That makes it easier for them, when the thing really starts so the troops can handle people with no trouble. This is the whole mass plan. Sean: So you are saying that there is no threat from the Reptilians, there s no threat from a real alien invasion? Adrain: No, no threat. The only threat is that the Reptilians have technology here and they do not care about anything. They are here already. The threat to the Secret World Order and the evil ET’s is the Alliance. They are wondering how long is the Alliance going to let the Shadow Government get away with what they are doing. So that is their actual fear. Sean: We can change this can t we? Adrain: Yes! With this conversation, we can actually alter, through positive vibrations and frequency waves, things all around us. Somewhere something changes for the better, and that changes and that one. like dominos. It begins a whole different future. Sean: We need to reach through the mind control. Tear down that screen, and it changes people. By writing and talking about all this. Adrain: Yes, as we are doing here, because that is one thing that escapes them. That people have souls. They have the life force which is of great power. But it, too, is a form of energy, and it can be trapped by the evil ones. They can create a situation like when you are dying, and they can create a hoax, a fake scenario with a light and a tunnel and Jesus Christ and everything. Oh it is the light! Jesus is coming, Oh yes! They can trap the soul and trick it. Suddenly you are in a laboratory terminal at some kind of station there. They wipe everything out and then you are back here again. They live on that. They live on the notion that you are constantly reincarnating over and over with many lives with not enough time to catch up on what is going on. No time to build up any strength or wisdom. These aliens sometimes abuse these souls, for as long as they live which is thousands of years, or 500 years at least. Sean: Who lives that long? Adrain: These entities, you know? Sean: Which entities? Adrain: The ones that do this stuff, the Sirians, the Orions, the Old Ones from Atlantis, the ones that are doing the most damage. The Rogue Pleiadian splinter groups together with the Old Lyrans. There are beings from Alpha Draconis and Ursa Major that are most amazing. They are half man and half lizard. Big people, you know. Very strong. Oh, you have small ones there, but the majority are very strong, very big up to 1,500 to 1,800 pounds. They are totally unemotional warriors and that is a problem, too. So all these people are living in their own artificial ambiance and they are tired. They want to be in your dimension, they want to be free. To breath and move and be comfortable, to be out of the bubble, as they say. Sean: What do they do with the soul energy once they absorb it, once they trick it and put it into the laboratory? You are saying that they use people coming to the light, or going to the light, as a kind of trick. Adrain: Yes, they do that. In many cases they capture not the soul, but the astral body, but when they capture the astral body the soul is captured too, for a time. If it is strong enough it gets out, if it is not it is because that soul lacks Cosmic Evolution. They stay pretty much, like, in a prison, and that is a problem. Sean: And when they die are they taking them to the astral plane, where their spirit and the soul go? Adrain: For instance, here you can do the same thing with witchcraft. When somebody dies, you can be ready for him with entities on the other side. They are waiting for him, with the same vibration that you are coming into. They will capture you, and they can actually put you in a container and you are stuck there. So, you can capture somebody with this magic technology. For people that are weak, they can be made to work for you later. They will become slaves. That is how it works. Sean: But there are entities that can feed on the soul force, the soul energy? Adrain: Oh, right. That is a good question. How do they do it? It is true! The ones that do this are the ones that are the good looking ones. The ones that look like angels, the strong ones, that look like tall blondes. Those are the refugees from Atlantis. Down here on Earth, they are the ones that are in charge of the whole thing. They are of Lyran/Pleiadian descent, in charge of everybody else. So these are the ones that feed from the energies of the people, from these astral operations. They are looking always for people that kneel down easily and give all their power away to someone that will take care of them and take away their own responsibilities. They feed from this, and that is why you see the ships of these beings, hanging out around football games, around churches, anywhere groups of fanatic people gather for something where there is a lot of emotion and anger exchanged. The ships take in these energies through a vacuum of light. They will filter this energy in the ships to use as power, then all of the other energy that is left over, they actually transport to different places around the world depositing it there and then it manifests as problems, wars and fear. You can see it out in the streets, all the crime and everything else. So they actually are attracted to particular negative auric vibratory fields. So they live from that. Isn t that interesting? Sean: Why do UFO s usually always appear over areas before there are major natural catastrophes or wars? Adrain: I guess one reason is to watch for what is happening and to see if they can take somebody. Many times they wait until the disaster comes, and the whole building falls and that is how they can easily take people so they won t be missed. I do not know if I am explaining it right. Sean: No, you are explaining it perfectly. Adrain: It is a great opportunity to just take people for either good or bad reasons. They won t be missed that way. They are always watching. Always looking. They can beam people physically onto the ship and take them directly to another world or another place, so they can be taught or trained without having to die, and yet they will not be missed when they are taken. That would be called a Direct Incarnation from the regular mode of having to die. Like an Ascension. Sean: The good guys or the bad guys take people? Adrain: Both, actually. They both sometimes use the same methods, but that is not in general. Sean: So there s no extraterrestrial threat to this planet right now? There s no reptilian fleet or armada on its way here, the Arcturians aren t battling anyone outside the asteroid belt,? Adrain: No. If an invasion were to happen it would be a staged thing, because the bad guys took over a long time ago anyway. It has already happened. Sean: But there s no battle happening between the asteroid belt and Oort clouds? The Arcturians aren t fighting off the reptilians, right? Adrain: In the old days that would happen. Sometimes that happens with somebody that comes in accidentally, without knowing the space laws, and so sometimes you have little wars or some-thing like that. But the Alliance would never. they do not work that way. They do not fire on anybody actually physically to destroy. They would if they had to, you know? It happens once in a rare while. They have police all over. They stay away from that kind of thing. Reactions take place when the Greys or Reptilians know they are going to get arrested and they shoot at anything. You know, they are very trigger happy. The Reptilians are a race that has been created directly on purpose, with no emotion, as a warrior race. Human beings cross bred with reptiles. Originally they were created as a land force, labor and warriors, but then they started getting smart. If you create something like that you can t expect them not to use their intelligence. The time came when they also wanted their own ships. They wanted space, too! To live and be independent. Now they live 200 to 300 hundred miles underground here on Earth. Sean: My Tibetan teachers call them the Nagas Harachi. The Serpent Men. How did they get there? Adrain: With the ships. Sean: Why do they live under the earth? Adrain: Like I said. The answer to this is that they feel good in a cool temperature. They also feel comfortable because of the lack of light and the atmosphere, and they are sensitive to bright light like the Greys. It is interesting, because in the Atlantean days people would create fantastic cities underground to keep away from the big animals, you know, dinosaurs and all that. Now these creatures have gone underground, because they look like the dinosaurs, and now they want to keep away from humans on the surface. Funny, right? Sean: Let s talk about time travel. When was the first time you traveled in time? When was it? How old were you? What can you remember? Adrain: I was 15 or 16. Man, they just pulled me up right into a ship, and dropped me outside of Miami Beach. Sean: From where? Adrain: From a house where I was living with my Earth parents. Sean: So it was a long ways away from Miami? Adrain: Uh, a half an hour drive, I guess. Sean: OK. So you were taken up in the ship? Adrain: I was slammed into the future. A future Miami Beach. The first thing that happens is that they drop me and I hit the sand, and I looked straight ahead, and saw the ocean horizon. I said, Where am I? I was overcome by surprise! They do not tell me anything. That is one of the curious things. Nothing was prepared before hand. Then I looked back, and of course, then I noticed I was there in south Miami Beach, recognizing everything because I saw all the hotels. I said, OK, so here I am, what is going to happen now? and I was just waiting. I was kicking up some sand, and I was walking up and down the shore. Then I noticed the light starts getting dim, like bad weather, you know, that kind of ambiance, like a little nice breeze. Then I heard screaming in the street on the other side of the hotels. I had a feeling to look out at the ocean again. I had a feeling that maybe whatever I was there for it was coming from that way, and, I was right! From the east, it looks like a black line moving up, taking up the entire horizon. And I said, Oh, oh! I wonder what is coming over there! It kept getting bigger and bigger, and all of a sudden, the weather starts getting a little stronger. The wind blowing and everything. I see and hear people running around crazy, all over, and I can remember a lot of people desperately falling, and others walking right over them. I ll never forget the chaos all around me, and I said, Ooooh MY! Look at that! It was a giant wave coming right at us! Then I started remembering in New York the giant buildings, how they look, and I said, That thing is bigger than those tall buildings I remember. That Old Man is going to take all this out like little toys! And then all of a sudden about a dozen people appeared to my left hand side, and they were part of the crowd that came from who knows where. Then the starships appeared and started quickly, franticly, beaming people up and out of the city in the ships. So, exactly as I say on my left, this group of people were just looking at me, and with their minds telling me, Yes, it is us, we are here and we are ready. Tell us what to do. Where do we go? And there was no expression on their faces. Sean: Who were they? Adrain: Young people. I did not recognize them, but they recognized me. They were just regular people. I was surprised that they recognized me, and apparently I did not recognize them. There was a calm expression on their face. Like they knew that they would be people who would be saved. Then I said, Well. this is where we have to go. Follow me. Then we very calmly walked. We were walking and everybody else is running around, but we were in a protected force field. I did not see it, but I felt it. The field was 5 or 10 feet around. All around it is like a revolution with people running over children screaming, and then I was thinking, Look how interesting, how they are screaming and going crazy and running. but to where? There is no where to run! I was thinking that I remember. Which is very curious, too. And that is when I, poof. got taken back up and then I became like a camera watching the scene. Sean: So you were up in the air, looking down. You saw the wave cover up all of Miami? Adrain: Yeah. The water receded. Is that how you say it? Sean: Yes. So you went back up to the ship? Adrain: Oh, no. I am in the air which I can t explain. I did not see the ship, or those people anymore. But, they were safe, and of course, they came there, for that project, and I saved them for whatever reason. What I saw were little dots of islands, like Key West Florida. Sean: How far up in the air were you? Adrain: Ten thousand, twenty thousand feet, more or less. Sean: And were you looking down on all of Florida? Adrain: Yes. But my body was going higher because I saw much more of the gigantic peninsula. It could have been a hundred thousand feet, or something like that. I could see the whole thing from one corner to the other. From the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf. Sean: Florida was gone? Adrain: Yes. Not the whole thing, though. I saw little dots of a shoreline with the water moving very violently, around Lake Okala. That is where I saw the new shoreline. The wave covers just a little higher. not exactly in the middle. Then, all of a sudden, I feel this rush coming down this way from me, from high to low like this. And I woke up, opened my eyes but now physically in my bed. Jumping, I landed like I was dropped from the ceiling. You know? But, the interesting thing is I was all wet. Like I just took a shower with all my clothes on. That was interesting. Sean: Salt water? Adrain: Yes. I was just soaked. Sean: Did you see when this happened? The incident, in the future? Adrain: No. Sean: Any idea as to when? Did you manage to look at a newspaper or anything while you were there? Adrain: No. Sean: Did Miami Beach look like it looks now? Adrain: Yea, yea. It looked normal, not like the Jetsons or something like that. Sean: But you had this vision when you were 16. That was 25 years ago. Adrain: Yes. So maybe the time is approaching. I usually never talk about dates because things are changing constantly in the future, so the path that is leading energies back and forth isn t fixed. If I say things and they do not happen people will say I am a liar. I have been in the future several times in the same place at the same time and it has been different every time. I have predicted horrible storms for Florida in 1997 but the Pleiadian forces are trying to change this, just as they changed the four other hurricanes that were coming behind Hurricane Andrew. Sean: What causes that tidal wave? Adrain: A meteor that is going to hit the Caribbean. <